Apathetic By: J. Tyler Byrd
denotative meaning Denotative: Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.
Connotative meaning Connotative: showing no feelings or sympathy towards another’s sorrow. Show no interest or emotion when in dialogue.
Example sentence My aunt and uncle are very excited about getting married, but my uncle is apathetic when it comes to picking flowers
Sources “apathy.” thefreedictionary.com. Thefreedictionary, 2009. web. December 2013 bethlena. “apathetic squidward” image. Cheezburger. 2009, web. December 2013. scyphir. “ Apathetic cat” photo. deviantART. 2008. web. December 2013 klea. “apathetic fish stick” photo. Cheezburger. 2008.web.december 2013