Prescott Elementary School New Teacher Laptop Training By Vicky Stelzer Technology Coach Prescott Elementary School
Prescott Elementary School New Teacher Laptop Training Click Here The above link will begin your new laptop training. The link will take you to a Prezi Presentation that includes 8 short video tutorials to familiarize new staff members to their DCSD Laptop and other district procedures.
Needs Assessment What do you know? All incoming new teachers to the Dubuque Community School District receive a laptop for school use. All teachers need to be trained how to: log on to the district server correctly. use the z drive or district server for file storage. access the shared documents folder on the Prescott server. log on at home when the computer is not connected to the network. log on to the Prescott Google Calendar. create home page tabs when the log into the Internet. Search the library management system for a library book.
What do you want to know? I want to know: if teachers can access their z drive folder if teachers can access the staff handbook in the shared documents file on the Prescott server if teachers understand how to log onto their laptop at home and know where to save files when logged on as local user can set home page tabs for their Internet home page if teachers can search the library management system
What are you trying to measure, determine, or define? Do the new teachers have a basic understanding of how their new laptop functions? Do the new teachers have the basic skills necessary to utilize the school laptop to perform basic functions for work related tasks?
How will you collect and record information? In October of every school year new teachers will be asked to fill out a survey using Survey Monkey to determine whether sufficient laptop training has been provided or not. Once the survey results are reviewed additional professional development will be provided in areas that are needed.
How will you report the information you collect? The information will be reported at a district professional development day. The information will be used to plan technology in-services for new teachers or any teacher who is interested in review sessions.
Are all interested groups included in planning and conducting the needs assessment? The Building Leadership Team (6 teachers, 2 instructional coaches, and 1 technology coach) discusses the information that is most important for new teachers to know about their district laptop. The technology coach decides how the information will be delivered to the new teachers.
References Horton, William. e-Learning by Design, 2nd Edition, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons (P&T), 9/26/11. <vbk:9781118292686#page(2)>.