Free Speech Thanks for coming in.
In what instances, if any, should free speech be limited? Why do you think the Framers included freedom of speech in the First Amendment? Discussion questions
Vocabulary: Identify as it pertains to the article Free-speech: Erupted: Badges: Disruption: Emerged: Slash: Gay pride: Vocabulary: Identify as it pertains to the article
Rank the importance of each in your opinion Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Rank the importance of each in your opinion
Scenario: Disparaging cartoons of the prophet Mohammed are printed on signs and set up on public property across the street from a mosque. What right being exercised? Protected? Who is offended? Should their rights be taken into consideration? Scenario
Limitations on Free Speech Limitations established by the Supreme Court are: False statements of facts Obscenities Pornography Fighting words and offensive speech Speech owned by others With your group, research a topic and give examples to explain to the class Limitations on Free Speech
Read the Article (Anti-gay stickers P.7) Provide evidence to support one of the claims: The students in the article have a right to wear the anti-gay badges as a matter of free speech In this instance, free speech is limited and students do not have a right to wear the anti-gay badges Read the Article (Anti-gay stickers P.7)