1st Vice Chair Report – November 2017 – Orlando, Florida January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 1st Vice Chair Report – November 2017 – Orlando, Florida Date: 2018-01-15 Authors: Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
Abstract M3.3 II Other WG meeting plans M3.4 II Meeting room locations January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 Abstract Agenda Items for 1st Vice Chair - M3.3 II Other WG meeting plans M3.4 II Meeting room locations M3.5 II Next meeting reminder M3.6 II Meeting registration M3.7 II Recording attendance M3.8 II File server M3.9 II Breakfast, breaks, Social logistics Friday: F3.1.1 II Straw Poll of membership regarding this meeting location F3.1.2 DT Future venues status and discussion Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
Monday– 802.11 Opening Plenary January 2018 802.11 First Vice Chair Report Monday– 802.11 Opening Plenary Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
M3.3 Other WG meeting plans January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 M3.3 Other WG meeting plans 802.1 802.3 802.11 802.15 802.16 802.18 802.19 802.21 802.24 802.22 Treasurer Report: 11-18/0001r0 Patent policy (in IEEE-SA bylaws), patent policy (slide set), and antitrust guidelines Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
M3.4 Meeting room locations January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 M3.4 Meeting room locations Download the Combined Meeting Schedule MEETING MAP (FLOOR PLAN) Accessed online: http://802world.org/wireless/files/2016/05/Hotel-Irvine-Map.pdf Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
Online Calendar Schedule January 2018 Online Calendar Schedule The WG meetings can also be added to your calendar. Go to : http://schedule.802world.com Select Calendar Integration: http://schedule.802world.com/ics/directory This application exports meetings in .ics format, which can be subscribed to from your favorite calendar application. 802.11 WG meeting calendar is here: http://schedule.802world.com/ics/show?group=11 Other WGs and the 802 EC calendar are also available. Note: the schedule on this calendar will be updated as will IMAT. Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
M3.5 Next meeting reminder January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 M3.5 Next meeting reminder 802 Plenary: 4-9 March 2018 – Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont, Illinois, USA Event Information Event Registration Hotel Reservation REGISTRATION FEES & DEADLINES Early Registration $US 450.00 for attendees staying one or more nights at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare $US 750.00 for all others (including local attendees not staying at the group hotel) Deadline: 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Friday, January 26, 2018 IEEE 802 GROUP HOTEL HYATT REGENCY O’HARE 9300 W Bryn Mawr Ave Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Phone: +1 847-696-1234 Room Rates * SINGLE/DOUBLE OCCUPANCY*: $US 179.00 per night IEEE 802 Group Rate Deadline: Friday February 2, 5:00 PM Central Time REGISTRATION FEES & DEADLINES Early Registration $US 450.00 for attendees staying one or more nights at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare $US 750.00 for all others (including local attendees not staying at the group hotel) Deadline: 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Friday, January 26, 2018 Standard Registration $US 550.00 for attendees staying one or more nights at Hyatt Regency O’Hare $US 850.00 for all others (including local attendees not staying at the group hotel) Deadline: 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Friday, February 22, 2018 Late/On-site Registration $US 750.00 for attendees staying one or more nights at Hyatt Regency O’Hare $US 1050.00 for all others (including local attendees not staying at the group hotel) Applies to All Registrations AFTER: 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Friday February 22, 2018 Student Registration $US 150.00 (college student bachelor or post-graduate level) The Student meeting fee is available only one time per person. The person using the Student meeting fee will not be able to use meeting attendance to gain or maintain voting rights. A valid current student ID must be shown when picking up the meeting badge. Student Registration Must Be PreApproved: Please email the meeting planner (802info@facetoface-events.com) your email address, first name, last name and educational establishment receive a registration access code. IEEE 802 GROUP HOTEL The March 2018 IEEE 802 Plenary Registration Rate is reduced for attendees staying one (1) or more nights at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont Illinois, USA. HYATT REGENCY O’HARE 9300 W Bryn Mawr Ave Rosemont, IL 60018, USA Phone: +1 847-696-1234 Website for hotel information and details (not for group rate reservations): https://ohare.regency.hyatt.com/en/hotel/home.html Phone Reservations Reservations can be made by contacting the hotel directly at: +1 847 696 1234 To receive the group rate, attendees must identify themselves as attendees of the IEEE 802 Group at time of booking. Room Rates * SINGLE/DOUBLE OCCUPANCY*: $US 179.00 per night *Children 21 years of age and younger may be share accommodations at no additional charge. * EXTRA ADULT*: $US 25.00 per night *Children 21 years of age and younger may be share accommodations at no additional charge. IEEE 802 Group Rate Deadline* Friday February 2, 5:00 PM Central Time *Subject To Availability, if the group block is sold out before the deadline the group rate may no longer be available. Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
M3.6 II Meeting registration January 2018 M3.6 II Meeting registration Total Registrations as of Sunday: 11:17 Reported Primary WG: 802.11 259 82% 802.15 35 11% 802.16 1 0% 802.18 4 1% 802.19 5 2% 802.21 2 802.22 802.24 Unknown Total 308 Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
M3.7 Recording attendance January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 M3.7 Recording attendance It is a requirement that attendees record their participation at an 802.11 session and declare their affiliation. This record is usually made using the IMAT attendance system. If you wish to participate without recording attendance, send an email per session to the WG 2nd vice chair declaring your participation and affiliation. You cannot gain or maintain 802.11 voting membership using this method. You must record 75% attendance of required 802.11 slots in a session for that session to count towards gaining or maintaining 802.11 voting membership You need a single IEEE-SA web account The IEEE SA web account requires a working email address do not remove your email address from the account Use the email address associated with that web account when registering attendance If you change email addresses, update the web account, don’t create a new web account, or your membership status may not be calculated properly Record attendance using this URL: IMAT.IEEE.ORG/ Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
M3.8 Local File Document Server information January 2018 M3.8 Local File Document Server information WORKING GROUP DOCUMENTS Accessed locally online at http://ieee802.linespeed.io/ Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
M3.09 FOOD & BEVERAGE Continental Breakfast 7:15 AM – 8:30 AM January 2018 M3.09 FOOD & BEVERAGE Continental Breakfast 7:15 AM – 8:30 AM Morning Coffee/Tea 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Afternoon Coffee/Tea 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM LUNCH SERVICE 12:00 – 1:00 PM in Patio & Pavilion Included in event registration fees. See event corkboard for daily selections. Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
Hotel Outlets: MARKETPLACE Eats Kitchen and Bar January 2018 Hotel Outlets: MARKETPLACE open 24 hours – coffee, drinks, pizzas, salad, and many more options Eats Kitchen and Bar Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner Red Bar Craft beers etc. More info about options available at Registration area Information posted on meeting board. Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
Network Assistance WIRED CAFÉ January 2018 Network Assistance WIRED CAFÉ Please report any disruption of service in the café to Linespeed staff. NETWORK HELP DESK Network Help is available for attendees experiencing difficulties accessing the meeting network. Located in the near the Registration Desk Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
IEEE 802 WIRELESS NETWORKING CHALLENGE January 2018 IEEE 802 WIRELESS NETWORKING CHALLENGE K1 SPEED IRVINE -- Wednesday January 17th -- 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM ALL attendees and their guests are invited to K1 Speed for an evening of electric go-karting, video games, and pool. Shuttle bus transport and refreshments provided. K1 SPEED- https://www.k1speed.com Attendee Name Badges Required for Entry -- Guest Badges at Registration Desk until 5:00 PM Tuesday. WAIVERS (Go-Kart Racers) Online registration form must be completed by all attendees and guests. Forms: https://k1irvine.clubspeedtiming.com/sp_center/register.aspx The Event Code you need to enter is: 864117
IEEE 802 WIRELESS NETWORKING CHALLENGE January 2018 IEEE 802 WIRELESS NETWORKING CHALLENGE AWARD CERMONY – between 8:30 PM and 9:00 PM Go-Kart Trophies will be presented to the top 3 finishers – Awards are based on the best track times SAFETY – Injuries can occasionally occur during sporting activities; Know you limits and play within them. Please enjoy our event responsibly. No drinking and driving! SHUTTLE BUS TO K1 STARTS @ 6:00 PM See social flyer for complete details and bus transportation shuttle schedule. Busses will be boarded at the Hotel Irvine – Eats Lobby Entrance Busses will depart as filled – 7:00-7:15 PM* last bus*! Busses will drop off attendees in front of K1 Speed. Last Shuttle Bus returns to Hotel 9:30pm
802.11 Mid-Week Plenary Agenda Items: 2.5 – Announcements January 2018 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary Agenda Items: 2.5 – Announcements 5.1 – Room Change Reports Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
W5.1 Room Change Requests Delete: Add: January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 W5.1 Room Change Requests Delete: Add: Swap Room request: -- Change room assignments: Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
802.11 WG Closing Plenary Agenda Items: 3.1.1 – Straw Poll January 2018 802.11 WG Closing Plenary Agenda Items: 3.1.1 – Straw Poll 3.1.2 -- Future venues status and discussion Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
F3.1.1 -Straw Poll regarding this meeting location January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 F3.1.1 -Straw Poll regarding this meeting location Straw Poll: How many people would like to come back to this venue? Yes - No – Like the Social – Disliked the Social – Did not go to Social – Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
F3.1.2: Future Venue Insight January 2018 F3.1.2: Future Venue Insight Future 802 Wireless Interims: May 2018 Marriott Warsaw, Poland Sept 2018 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
F3.1.2: Future Venue Insight January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 F3.1.2: Future Venue Insight Future 802 Plenary Sessions: March 4-9, 2018 Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont, Illinois, USA July 8-13, 2018 Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA November 11-16, 2018 Marriott Marquis Queen's Park, Bangkok, Thailand March 10-15, 2019 Hyatt Regency Vancouver and Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada July 14-19,2019 Austria Congress Centre, Vienna, Austria November 10-15, 2019 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm
January 2018 doc.: IEEE 802-11-18/0002r0 January 2018 References Plenary Meeting Status File: EC-16/66r1 https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/16/ec-16-0066-00-00EC-802-plenary- future-venue-contract-status.xlsx Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm Jon Rosdahl, Qualcomm