Hoy es ________, el ______ de _____ de _____________. miércoles ocho marzo dos mil diecisiete *Yo PUEDO read a description in Spanish and identify key information. *Yo PUEDO illustrate the key information presented in the Spanish descriptions. Para Empezar: Escriban en español. 1. I like to swim in the lake when it’s hot. 2. I use (Uso) sunscreen and wear sunglasses on the beach. 3. In the summer, there are a lot of storms with lightning. Me gusta nadar en el lago cuando hace calor. Uso bronceador y llevo gafas de sol en la playa. En el verano, hay muchas tormentas con relámpago.
Actividades de HOY Actividades de leer, escribir y dibujar Actividades de repasar
Read AT LEAST FIVE times. Complete ONE step at a time.
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When you have finished A & B: Meltdown Game OR Sé/ No Sé Board game
Meltdown Game la tormenta Hace frío. Meltdown Game To play, leave the cards in the bag. Take turns drawing a card and reading the word. Tell the English meaning. If you get it right, you may keep it. Play moves to the next player even if the person gets it right. If a player gets a “blizzard” card, take a Snowman card from another player plus keep the blizzard card. Game continues until someone gets a “meltdown” card. Then everyone counts his or her cards in Spanish. The person with the most cards is the winner.
MELTDOWN! Take turns drawing a card and reading the word. To play, KEEP THE CARDS IN THE BAG. Take turns drawing a card and reading the word. Tell the English meaning. If you get it right, you may keep it. Play moves to the next player even if the person gets it right. If a player gets a “blizzard” card, take a Snowman card from another player plus keep the blizzard card. Game continues until someone gets a “meltdown” card. Then everyone counts his or her cards in Spanish. The person with the most cards is the winner of that round. Play again!