Certificate in Education & Training Welcome to Week 2 of the course!
Learning Outcomes Practically explore and use effective research techniques and skills Reference different sources using Harvard referencing Write a reflective journal (‘diary’)
How it's done in practice... Harvard Referencing How it's done in practice...
Book In body of text: Gravells (2011:46) maintains that it’s best to refer learners to an appropriate specialist or agency if you feel you can’t deal with their needs … In references/bibliography: Gravells, A. (2011) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (4th edition) Learning Matters Ltd. Exeter
Journal Article In body of text: Petty (2012:30) suggests we should be experimenting with our teaching … In references/bibliography: Petty, G. (2012) ‘Autumn is the time to experiment with your teaching’ In Tuition (10) pp30-31
Website (no author) In body of text: The independent professional body for teachers in the FE and Skills Sector, IfL (2012) supports members with their CPD … In references/bibliography: IfL (2012) ‘Your quick guide to CPD’ IfL www.ifl.ac.uk [accessed 1 November 2012]
Website (known author) In body of text: When using technology, Petty (2012) argues that teachers should focus on the learning task as much as the technology … In references/bibliography: Petty, G. (2012) ‘Technology and Teaching’ IfL CPD Resources, Ask Geoff www.ifl.ac.uk [accessed 1 November 2012]
Experiential Learning Cycle (Kolb) Experience Reflect Apply What ? So what? Now what? Interpret Kolb – concrete experience/reflective observation/abstract conceptualisation/active experimentation Need to move around ELC in order to have a ‘complete’ learning experience Relate to their own learning – reminder of reflective journals Learning Styles (Honey & Mumford) -Relate to ELC Activists - Hands on, like new experiences (now!) Reflectors - Stand back, observe, cautious Theorists - logical, analytical, rational Pragmatists - practical, realistic, problem solving (poss. Relate to exercise - how did they feel?)
A thought for the week: 'Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason, which today arm you against the present.' (Emperor Marcus Aurelius)