Foundations 518 Practical Examination Briefing #12 Full Contour Waxing Department of Endodontics, Prosthodontics, and Operative Dentistry University of Maryland, Baltimore
Study Aids For This Practical Contralateral tooth on your typodont Also: We will provide the test tooth. We will provide masking tape for you to apply to the top of your typodont. You will write you provider # on the tape before turning it in for grading.
Arch Allignment
Proximal Contacts
Proximal Contours and Embrasures Important aspect of waxing. If you look at your wax-up and can’t determine why it just doesn’t look the way you’d like, check all the embrasure spaces!
Facial and Lingual Contours
Occlusal Anatomy
Neatness and Cleanliness
Remember that you are reproducing a mirror image of the contralateral tooth. Check your waxing from all different angles. Pay attention to embrasure spaces.
Good Luck