NVTAC Virtual Learning Class: Strategies to Succeed in HVRP


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Presentation transcript:

NVTAC Virtual Learning Class: Strategies to Succeed in HVRP Cindy Borden NCHV cborden@nchv.org Cori Di Biase Manhattan Strategy Group cdibiase@manhattanstrategy.com Nicole LaCorte-Klein Atlas Research nlacorteklein@atlasresearch.us NVTAC Virtual Learning Class: Strategies to Succeed in HVRP Module One: Introduction to HVRP, Partnerships, and AJC Enrollment

Course Objectives: After completing this VLC, you will know: The philosophy and orientation of HVRP; HVRP best practice elements; Strategies to engage job ready veterans who are homeless and increase their preparation to work; How to assess a homeless veteran’s employment needs as well as their need for supportive services; Strategies to link veterans to permanent housing and other services including VHA programs; How to support clients once they have become employed.

Meet Your Instructors

Jen Elder, SOAR TA Center Course Schedule Date Day Topic Lead Instructor Guest Speaker 10/1 Monday Introduction to HVRP, Partnerships, AJC Enrollment Cindy   10/3 Wednesday Job Readiness & Outreach Strategies Nicole 10/8 Employment Assessment & Job Matching Cori 10/10 Housing and Supportive Services: Strengthening Community Collaboration/Partnerships 10/15 Job Driven Training, Employer Development & Job Placement, AJC Partnership Nena Siverd, VOC 10/17 Sub-population services (female veterans, younger veterans, older veterans, families) 10/22 Justice Involved Veterans – ex-offenders, incarcerated veterans, link with VJOs and Reentry Specialists 10/24 Job Retention & Follow Up 10/29 Benefits, work incentives, employment services and supports Jen Elder, SOAR TA Center 10/31 Avoiding Burnout: Taking care of Yourself

Chat Exercise Introductions Name Job Title Organization City and State Are you a veteran? What are you hoping to learn in this class? Type your answer in the public Chat box and press “enter” to send

Introduction to HVRP Foundation and Background

Audience Poll Question Vote on the screen! Check the box that reflects your best answer. What is your experience with HVRP? It’s all new to us – Organization and staff are new to HVRP. I’m new to HVRP but my organization has experience. I have some experience, but want to know more…

Guiding Principles of HVRP Practice Veteran eligibility is guide by their desire and readiness to work. Competitive employment consistent with the veterans’ preferences and employer needs is the goal. Employment services are integrated with treatment, housing, and other services. Benefits planning and management is provided. Rapid job search is encouraged. Employment specialists build employer relationships. Job retention through follow along support is provided.

HVRP Eligibility Who is eligible to participate in HVRP? 3 Factors: Definition Evidence Veteran Status Other than Dishonorable; 1 day active duty not including training DD214 Homeless Full definition in the TAG Imminent risk (14 days) Fleeing or attempting to flee DV Documentation, sample forms Job readiness Legally eligible, committed to pursuing work Self-report, screening/assessment

Sample Documentation Forms https://www.nvtac.org/hvrp-customizable-forms/ Homeless Certification Forms: Homeless Certification Intake Counselors utilize this form to verify and confirm that a client is homeless. HVRP Documenting Veteran and Homeless Status Another form that can assist you in documenting a Veterans Homeless status. HVRP Self Attestation Form A form for clients to fill out, to declare their homeless status. Show Forms – encourage sharing

Core Components of HVRP

Reporting Requirements Quarterly performance reporting forms: https://www.dol.gov/vets/programs/hvrp/ VETS-701 Technical Performance Report VETS-702 Technical Performance Narrative VETS-703 Stand Down After Action Report Technical Assistance Guide For Competitive Grants Technical Performance Report Show forms Access the 2017 webinar and slides on the Welcome New Grantees page at www.NVTAC.org

HVRP Performance Critical Performance Indicators Number of Enrollments Placement Rate Average Hourly Wage at Placement Placement Rate for Chronically Homeless Acceptable performance Minimum of 85% of planned goals (see Planned Goals Chart) Option Year funding – Per VPL 07-18 and 07-18 Att. – must meet minimum performance expectations on 50% or more (i.e. 2 or more) of the applicable critical performance indicators

HVRP Performance (Cont.) Non-critical indicators Cost per placement Percentage in unsubsidized employment 2nd Quarter after exit; Percentage in unsubsidized employment 4th Quarter after exit; and Median earnings of those in unsubsidized employment during 2nd Quarter after exit. Simple picture to show what it looks like

10 Best Practice Elements Job Driven Training Outreach Strategies Employment Assessment Transitions to Jobs and Retention Managing Benefits and Services Find and Maintain Housing Excellent Staff Outcome Oriented Braiding Funding Streams Tailoring Services to Specific Populations

QUESTIONS? Type your questions in the chat box or “raise your hand” to have your phone line unmuted.

Partnerships Collaboration is the key to success

Why Partnerships? Research shows that collaborations between agencies have a deeper collective impact than going it alone. Major Federal agencies (VA, HHS, DOL, HUD) have acknowledged that veteran homelessness is a local issue solved at the community level. No one organization (or individual) can to it alone – collaboration is essential.

Why Partnerships (continued)? Data sharing allows better planning and allocation of resources. (HMIS). Coordination reduces duplication of efforts and wasting of precious resources and services. Communities that have invested in collaboration have seen dramatic reductions in veteran homelessness.

Questions Type your questions in the chat box or “raise your hand” to have your phone line unmuted. Stretch break

Enrollment at the AJC

The American Job Centers (AJC) Established under the Workforce Investment Act, and reauthorized in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act of 2014. Network of nearly 2,500 AJCs, located in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Designed to provide job seekers with a range of assistance, all under one roof. Learn more about AJC services and find your local AJC visit www.careeronestop.org. Go to careeronestop site and tour

What is HVRP Enrollment at the AJC? HVRP grantees are required to register all participants at the local AJC. Registration/enrollment is not enough, to fulfill the requirement, the veteran must receive a service: Wagner-Peyser Act-funded ES; JVSG-funded DVOP service; or WIOA-funded service. Guidance in VPL 03-16 https://www.dol.gov/vets/VMS/VPLs/VPL- 03-16.pdf

Services at the AJC Each AJC is unique and offers an array of services based on local workforce conditions and available resources which may include: Job training and employment workshops. Job search assistance. Career counseling. Labor market and employer information. Hiring events and business service information. Referrals to community resources and other agencies. Supportive services. Unemployment insurance information. Access to state Vocational Rehabilitation, SCSEP, and resources unique to your local area.

Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists – provide intensive service to veterans with significant barriers to employment (SBE); including homeless veterans. Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) staff – conduct outreach to employers and business associations and engage in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans.

When should HVRP Enrollment at the AJC occur? HVRP participants should be enrolled at the local AJC sometime between the first business day of Q1 (July 1) and the last business day of Q3 (March 31). Participants enrolled in HVRP during Q4 should be simultaneously enrolled at the AJC.

Why is HVRP Enrollment at the AJC important? Enrollment at the AJC provides homeless veterans with additional resources: Increased training opportunities through WIOA; Additional supportive services; Access to vocational rehabilitation services; Connection to employers and employment opportunities through the LVER; Integrated case management services; and Intensive job placement services offered by DVOPs. Leveraging resources across programs allows for a more integrated approach to helping homeless veterans.

How does HVRP Enrollment at the AJC work? Who is involved? Homeless Veterans HVRP grant staff AJC Staff DVOP Other staff What happens? HVRP grantees work with their local AJC to develop a registration process based on local needs. Enrollment can take place at the local AJC, the HVRP grantee’s site, or online. What can HVRPs do? Ensure a staff member is present during the enrollment process to facilitate accurate reporting and strong working relationships; Invite local AJC staff to share information on their services and encourage AJC staff to learn about your services; and Ensure new staff members are full trained on AJC services and enrollment requirements. Enrollment at the AJC should be a win, win, win.

Chat Exercise (2) What challenges do you anticipate, or have you faced, around enrolling participants at the AJC? Type your answer in the public Chat box and press “enter” to send Mention October CoP Call

FINAL QUESTIONS HOMEWORK for Wednesday! Think about the following questions: How does your program do outreach? What does job readiness mean to you? Come prepared to share and discuss!

Contact Information Cori Di Biase Manhattan Strategy Group cdibiase@manhattanstrategy.com Cindy Borden NCHV cborden@nchv.org Nicole LaCorte-Klein Atlas Research nlacorteklein@atlasresearch.us