ITU-T Study Group 15 Optical and other Transport Networks Peter Wery
Contents Terms of reference Management team SG organization Statistics Highlights of achievements / projects / promotion Workshops Future work Acknowledgements
Terms of Reference Focal point in ITU-T for studies on optical and other transport networks, systems and equipment. This encompasses the development of transmission layer related standards for access, metropolitan and long haul sections of communication networks. Lead SG for: Access Network Transport (ANT) Optical Technology
Management Team Chair Peter WERY (CAN) Vice-Chairs Gastone BONAVENTURA Haruo OKAMURA Stephen TROWBRIDGE (I) (J) (USA) WP Chairs Andrew NUNN (WP 1/15) Duncan SPARRELL (2001) (WP 2/15) Yushi NAITO (2002-2004) (WP 2/15) Stephen TROWBRIDGE (WP 3/15) Gastone BONAVENTURA (WP 4/15) Haruo OKAMURA (WP 5/15) (G) TSB Paolo ROSA Isabelle GARDE COUNTRY: should be the letter acronym, e.g. USA, I (for Italy), J (Japan), etc, as used in the ITU list of participants Delete UNUSED rows in the PowerPoint table
Study Group Structure WP 1/15 Network Access Access network related stds. (PON and DSL) WP 2/15 Network Signal Processing Signal processing network equipment related stds. (speech enhancements; interactions) WP 3/15 OTN Structure Opt. transport network structure related stds. (Architecture; network protection/restoration, interworking, synchronization; signal & frame structure, interfaces; network management; SDH, ASON) WP 4/15 OTN Technology Opt. transport network physical & Layer 1 related stds. (Opt. fibres & cables, terrestrial and submarine systems, interfaces, components & subsystems) WP 5/15 Projects and Promotion ANT and Optical Technology related Lead SG projects; SG Promotion
Statistics (I) Meetings, Documentation, Participation Study Group meetings 6 Rapporteur Group meetings 92 Work by correspondence (EDH) Continuous White contributions 112 Delayed contributions 1257 Temporary Documents approx. 1800 SG mtg. participants: average 304 - max 334 - min 276
Statistics (II) Work Program and Results Recommendations approved: total 198 - new 77 - revised 121 Questions assigned by WTSA-2000 19 Questions during study period - revised 4 - deleted 2 – new 1 Questions proposed for next period 18
Statistics (III) Support Rapporteurs 17 Editors Approx. 70 ‘Other Roles’, incl. SG Representatives 13
Highlights of achievements (I) Network Access Gigabit capable passive optical access network (G-PON) operating up to 2.5 Gbit/s Enhanced DSL multi-Mbit/s network access over ordinary telephone subscriber lines including ADSL2, ADSL2+, SHDSL, VDSL
Highlights of achievements (II)
Highlights of achievements (III) Network Signal Processing Dig. Circuit Multiplication Equipment (CME) Digital network echo cancellers CME optimized for IP-based networks Interaction aspects of Signal Processing Network Equipment (SPNE) Equipment interconnecting GSTN and IP networks
Highlights of achievements (IV) OTN structure Efficient carriage of Ethernet in SDH and OTN networks results in simple, cost effective and scalable (10 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s) solutions Generic Frame Procedures (GFP) for encapsulation of various packet data types Scalable transport ‘pipes’ through Virtual Concatenation and Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) Control plane to enable intelligent transport networks
Highlights of achievements (V)
Highlights of achievements (VI) OTN Technology New fibre specification widens operating wavelength band to 1470-1625 nm New interface specification quadruples capacity to 40 Gbit/s CWDM allows carriers to cost-optimise use of fibre optics in metropolitan applications Forward error correction, high bit rate DWDM submarine systems
Highlights of achievements (VII)
Highlights of projects/promotion Projects and Promotion Continuous update of - ‘Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Overview’ and - ‘ANT Work Plan’ - ‘OTNT Standardization Work Plan’ Promotion of SG 15 activities through - ITU Press Releases (13) - ITU-T Brochures (flyers) (11) - Inputs to TSAG on EDH, AAP and SG restructuring
Workshops (I) Workshop ‘IP/Optical’ Organized jointly by SG13 and SG15 9-11 July 2002, Chitose, Japan 396 participants - 13 developed countries - 3 developing countries
Workshops (II) Workshop ‘All Star Network Access’ Organized by TSB and SG15 - in cooperation with representatives from ITU-R, Committee T1E1.4, ETSI TM6, DSL Forum, FSAN, IEEE, MEF, OIF 2-4 June 2004, Geneva 154 participants - 20 developed countries - 6 developing countries
Future Work (I) In general, emphasis will be on Access Network and OTN related standards to provide necessary infrastructure for evolving NGN Network Access Optical access: Higher bit rates; increased reach; improved system resilience, management and control DSL: Reflect deployment experience; enhanced system mgmt.; new service requirements; increased reach and bit rates (100 Mbit/s); single ended line testing Home Networking over existing customer premises telephone wiring
Future Work (II) Network Signal Processing Enhancements to ATM and IP circuit multiplication equipment, echo control & voice enhancements devices IP to IP gateway equipment Mechanisms for dynamic coordination of SPNE for optimum end-to-end voice quality
Future Work (III) OTN Structure Improved network protection & restoration Enhancements to Ethernet and other packet based data services over transport networks New architectures to deliver multipoint services Synchronization issues of packet based networks Evolution of control plane technologies for efficient connection configuration and fast optical network restoration
Future Work (IV) OTN Technology New fibre characteristics (other wavelength regions) More optical channels per fibre New transmission technologies (Soliton) High capacity DWDM & > 40 Gbit/s trans. syst. Free space optical line system interfaces Raman optical amplifiers Polarization Mode Dispersion compensators
Future Work (V) Projects & Promotion Continued coordination across ITU-T/R SGs and relevant SDOs, Forums, Consortia in Lead SG areas Harmonization of stds. development related to SDH, OTN, ASON, Ethernet over transport Updates to - ANT Stds. Overview and Work Plan - OTNT Standardization Work Plan Continued promotional activities (Press Releases, e-Flash, Brochures, Workshops, etc.)
Thank you all Acknowledgements SG 15’s significant achievements would not have been obtained without the dedicated effort of many individuals working as a coherent team. Thank you all The SG Vice-Chairmen and WP Chairmen The Rapporteurs and Editors Those with ‘Other Roles’ (SG Representatives) The TSB counsellor and his Assistant (Paolo Rosa, Isabelle Garde) Other TSB staff, too numerous to name The SG 15 members for their participation and contributions
Peter H.K. Wery Chairman ITU-T SG 15 Peter H.K. Wery has been involved with ITU-related activities since 1969, when he represented SEL (Germany) at joint CCIR/CCITT Study Group CMTT (Sound Program and TV signal transmission). Since 1976 Peter has participated pro-actively for Nortel Networks (Canada) in a variety of ITU-T Study Groups and roles, including Rapporteur, Liaison Rapporteur, Working Party chairman and SG Vice-chairman. Peter has successfully chaired Study Group 15 (Optical and other Transport Networks) since 1996. Under his leadership Study Group grew into the largest Study Group of the ITU-T, developing over 260 Recommendation texts, predominantly in its core competency areas of Network Access and SDH & Optical Transport Networks and Technology.