When in doubt, leave the situation as soon as possible Warning Signs When in doubt, leave the situation as soon as possible
Are there times when it’s unclear? Anyone receiving sexual notes, jokes, innuendos, texts, comments, or gestures about someone’s sexual orientation and make another feel uncomfortable Sexual harassment: Workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks.
Watch the Video and write 4 sentences on what facts you learned or what was eye opening. http://www.hrmvideo.co m/catalog/rape-get-the- facts
Group Discussion What facts stood out to you about this clip? What do you think one of the women interviewed meant when she said, ‘rape is about power and control, it’s not about sex? “For a boy or man to report a sexual assault really takes a lot.’ Why do you think it may feel more difficult for boys and men to report sexual assault? What do you think he meant when he said that rape is a men’s issue?
5 Warning signs: Mutual Consent Is essential in any relationship. When both people actively say what they want, and both people agree to any behavior that they are going to do together
5 Warning signs: Unfair Pressure A person uses what they know is important to the other person to get that person to do what they want. Not always sex related Examples: Saying I love you even if they don’t, because they think saying that will get that person to do something sexual.
5 Warning signs: Threats Examples: If you do not have sex with me, I will find someone who will. If you don’t sleep with me, I will kill myself. I will forward your nudes to everyone if you do not have sex with me. When someone tells another person that if they do not do something sexual there will be emotional, mental or physical consequences
5 Warning signs: Aggression Random Unwanted Touching of another person on their body The act is over before Consent can be given even if it is intended as a joke or teasing
5 Warning signs: Rape/Assault When someone forces another person to perform a sexual act: Such as vaginal, anal, or oral sex which also includes the use of objects and non reproductive organs Most often is committed by someone the victim already knows Includes if the person says STOP during sex after they said YES
The signs: Movie How do you think Amanda is feeling when Nick first asked her out? 2. What was the first sign that there was something off about the relationship? 3. How did Nick respond after their first argument? Do you think this was a healthy way to respond or not? 4. When the relationship started moving away from Mutual Consent, what impact(s) did it have on Amanda? What about on her best friend, Ashley?
Realize it was not your fault Document every detail in writing What do I do? Get to a safe place Realize it was not your fault Document every detail in writing Report it immediately to a different trusted Adult, School official, Police
Sex Trafficking Sex Traffic Facts Criminal act that uses force, fraud, or coercion to control another person for the purpose to engage in sexual acts against one's will in exchange for money or goods Ipads out, click link Sex Traffic Facts Write 5 of the most jaw dropping facts
Why is it important to be assertive in a relationship? Why is acquiring Consent important?
Why is listening to your partner important? What do you do if you are a victim of sexual assault?
Any Questions?