Design & Planting Lake School Tree Planting Project SCHOOLYARD DESIGN After completing the analysis of the planting sites, two classes used this information to develop a planting design for the east yard and the front entrance of the school. Cones, labeled with plant photographs and descriptions, were used to mark the students’ designs on the site. The east yard design includes a redwood circle and a tree-lined walkway (left). The flowerbed arrangement near the front entrance spells out “LAKE,” following one student’s design idea (right). Over 150 students, community and family members, teachers, school administrators, and other volunteers helped to plant more than 100 native trees and shrubs at Lake School on November 21, 1998. TREE PLANTING DAY Plants Arrive Opening Ceremonies Tree planting day began with an opening ceremony that welcomed everyone to the school and introduced all of the volunteers. A project overview was given and tree planting instructions were explained. A teacher led the assembled group in a tree blessing ceremony (center). Planting the Schoolyard Watering the Plants Celebrating a Job Well Done! After a busy day of tree planting, the students watered the new plants before heading home. All involved were proud of the work they had done as a community to improve the quality of their environment. Ecological Design Institute - 245 Gate Five Road - Sausalito, CA 94965 - 415.332.5806 -