Antigone Background Notes English 2 1/16/2018 Triolo
Essential Question (EQ) In order to fully understand the happenings in Antigone, what background details are necessary to know? Your notes are to be done in Cornell note fashion, which includes: Questions filled out in the left-hand margin after the lecture (3+ questions) Summary written at the bottom section of the notes (3+ sentences) Separation of categories by headers
Learning Goal/Purpose Before reading any story or text it is important that we have the background knowledge we need to make sense of it all. Antigone’s storyline is one that will keep you interested, but also may get you confused. Antigone is a sequel, which means it is not the first part of a story. Since it is a sequel, we need to know about the original (or OG) ...
The Story of Oedipus (Antigone’s Dad/Brother)
Part 1: Oedipus Oedipus is born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta First off… oh my gaawwdd. This story is cray cray. [For notes on the Oedipus storyline, just keep maybe five bullet points of key events] Oedipus is born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta Prophecy says he will kill his dad and marry his mom; so down the river he goes. Not to be seen again...or so they thought Picked up by a family and grows up Learns that he is prophesied to kill his dad and marry his mom so he runs away from his “parents”
Note Task #1 (Think-pair-share) With a partner, discuss what the term is when family members have sex with each other Come to a hypothesis as to the percentage of Americans have first-hand experiences with this behavior. (number and reasoning) Write down answers to each bullet point in your notes Speak quietly to your partner, so we get a good reading as to which partnership has come up with
Part 1: Oedipus (cont.) When he leaves his “parents” he wanders along a path where he meets an old man The old man calls him a “bastard”, so they fight and Oedipus kills him (ironic) Keeps walking, sees a Sphinx Sphinx kills anyone that doesn’t get his riddle right The riddle???
How many of you would be dead? +Write your answer down on your notes Do Not Share the Answer The riddle: “What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the daytime, and three legs at night?” How many of you would be dead? +Write your answer down on your notes
Oedipus gets the answer right→ becomes king Married the widowed queen Part 1: Oedipus (cont.) Oedipus gets the answer right→ becomes king Married the widowed queen Plague starts, ruining everything; learns it is because the king’s killer isn’t brought to justice Jocasta (the mom) finds out the whole deal, hangs herself
Note Task #2 Discuss, with your partner, how you believe the story will end (write down you partner’s answer) List two possible themes (lessons we can learn from this story) For themes, think about sayings like: “Life is too short” “The worst thing in life is wasted talent” “Love conquers all” Of course these themes you come up with have to relate to the story of Oedipus.
Oedipus figures it out, pokes his eyes out Part 1: Oedipus (cont.) Oedipus figures it out, pokes his eyes out His two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, rule the kingdom in his place Antigone, Oedipus’ daughter, serves as a guide to her blind father
Antigone Overview Overview: Oedipus’ sons beef over right to the throne, ultimately killing each other. New guy in charge (who is part of the family because, well, everyone is) wants to bury one as a hero and leave the other one to rot. Antigone isn’t about to let this happen to her fam. Of course there is a lot more to the story, but that is the super dumbed down version (you know no-spoilers).
Antigone Family Tree Your last task for today is simple: Create a family tree for Antigone Well it would be easy, except for all the you know...the whole funny business between family members thing.