Brooke Young, Makenna Cooper, Javier Aranguren Lens Brooke Young, Makenna Cooper, Javier Aranguren
Background A simple lens consists of only one material, and a complex lens consists of multiple materials. Our eyes have convex lenses. When looking at an object from far away and then looking at an object close up, our eyes change physical shape in order to focus.
Question I hypothesize that when zooming the camera all the way in, it will find a new focal point from when the camera is zoomed all the way out.
General Statement I will take two different pictures that show the two different focal points.
Apparatus - Camera with adjustable lens
Step – By – Step - Zoom camera all the way in - Take picture - Zoom camera all the way out - Compare focal points
Safety Precaution None
Tables We made sure to zoom the camera all the way in, and then all the way out.
Analysis We found that the focal point changed to something so small when the camera was zoomed in. When it was zoomed all the way out, the focal point was much larger.
Conclusion We are able to come to the conclusion that this camera and the lens did similarly demonstrate how our eyes change shape, in order to focus on a different object.
Evaluation My hypothesis was correct.
Major Concepts Lenses are used for basically everything in life today. Lenses can form images that are reversed, magnified, or made smaller, and can even replicate the process of processing images through the eye. There are real and virtual images that differ from one another but are similar while looking at them
History Magnifying glasses have been used for years and years dating all the way back to the Greeks and medieval times. They were beginning to find out how lenses could alter the way our eyes work, and experimented with them to see how they could benefit humans.
Concepts Today glasses are commonly used for reading and seeing better. We also use lenses in projectors, telescopes, cameras and microscopes. We have learned how to use lenses to see really far away, or even use them to focus on things closer to us. We have advances so far as to even come up with contacts that sit directly on the eye. Lenses are all around us and are used every single day.
Think and explain 1. the object between focal point and lens. A diverging lens will never produce a real image. 2. You can project a real image onto a screen or wall, and everybody in the room can look at it. A virtual image can only be seen by looking into the optics and can not be projected. 3. A burning glass or burning lens is a large convex lens that can concentrate the sun's rays onto a small area, heating up the area and thus resulting in ignition of the exposed surface. Burning mirrors achieve a similar effect by using reflecting surfaces to focus the light.
4. It can be adjusted to zoom in 4. It can be adjusted to zoom in. To magnify an image, the distance between the lens and film will be farther. 5. No because you will have to change the distance between the film and lens to focus on yourself, and the mirror frame and you can not have them both at the same time. 6. 4 meters 7. ???
8. This is simply because the convex lens used in the projector produces an inverted image at the screen. 9. This is because telescopes always form upside down images 10. Chromatic aberration is responsible for some colors and light moving faster than others. The lens acts as a prism and the reds and blues do not focus in the same place. 11. Older people have to read a book farther away because they are “farsighted”. Which means they form images behind the retina, and need to hold the book farther from their eyes to see it. 12. Telescopes and microscopes would not magnify because there would be no refraction which would cause there to be no focus.
Review The lens is thicker in the middle and converges parallel rays of light is converging lens. Diverging lens is thinner in the middle and diverges parallel rays of light. 2. Focal point is the point at which a beam of parallel light , parallel to the principal axis converges. A focal plane is parallel beams that are not parallel to the principal axis focus at points above or below the focal point. 3. A real image is formed by a converging light. A virtual lens is used alone, and is smaller than the object.
4. A ray parallel to the principal axis which passes through the focal point after refraction by the lens. Then a ray through the center of the lens which does not change direction. And a ray through the focal point in front of the lens which emerges parallel to the principal axis after refraction by the lens. 5. Any two rays are sufficient to locate an image. 6. Applies to both. 7. Looking through a telescope, you are looking through three different lenses and not just one lens is creating the image, but all three working together.
8. astronomical telescopes are used to look at things not on the Earth and terrestrial telescopes look at things on the Earth 9. A compound microscope uses two lenses of short focal length. A microscope enlarges an already enlarged image, a telescope forms an enlarged virtual image of the real image. 10. A camera. 11. One eye “fills in” the blind spot. 12. The eyes of a farsighted person form images behind the retina. They have to have things farther away to read them. A nearsighted person has to have things closer to read them. They form images in front of the retina.
13. An astigmatism is the cornea is curved more than it should be to one direction more than the other. Glasses with the right corrective lenses can fix it. 14. Spherical aberration results when light passes through the edges of a lens and focuses slightly at a different place from light passing through the lens. This can be remedied by covering the edges of a lens. It is fixed by good optical instruments by a combination of lenses Chromatic aberration is the result of the different speeds of various colors and hence the different refractions they undergo. Achromatic lenses in glasses correct this.