Horses Registerd Name for Equistat Address: ______________________ City: ______________ State: _____ Zip Code: _____ Phone: __________ BBR#: __________WPRA#:_________ SS#: __________________(for tax purposes) PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY! THX 2018 Entry Form Horses Registerd Name for Equistat $45 Open $35 Youth $20 Adult $20 Senior 5D Open 4D Youth 18 and Under Office Fee Included 80% Payback 3D Adult 19 - 49 3D Senior 49 and Over Carry Over Incentives Only 80% Payback BUYBACKS AVAILABLE FOR ANY REASON ALL RUNS COUNT Saturday Add columns Add Columns for Saturday Sunday Add Columns for Sunday Entries 10:30___ 11___ 11:30___ 12___ 12:30___ =_____+ Saturday Exh’s Saturday $5 Exhibitions 10:30___ 11___ 11:30___ 12___ 12:30___ = _____+ Exh’s Sunday Sunday Stalls $25 daily x __= ___ RV $35 nightly x __=___ Total _____ Other _____ Stalls/RV’s & Other Fees Total ______________________________________ __________________ Signature (Guardian if under 18 yrs Date Under Texas Law, (Chapter 87, Civil Practice and Liberties Code), an equine professional is not liable for injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities. In submitting my entry, I herby release the show coordinators, or agent of the same, form any claim or right for damages, which may occur to me or my horse at this show or transit.