SMSA Newcomer’s Meeting Welcome to the SMSA Newcomer’s Meeting September 25, 2014 Baltimore, Maryland
Topics Who is SMSA? Mission, Vision, Goals and Core Values Strategic Areas of Emphasis SMSA Membership SMSA Executive Committee SMSA Committees SMSA Website and Spotlight Magazine 2015 SMSA Summit – Baltimore, Maryland
Who is SMSA? SMSA is the National Association of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators (SMSA). The SMSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides leadership for state administered motorcycle safety programs.
Mission and Vision MISSION - To assist motorcycle safety programs, through collaboration and partnerships, to implement comprehensive, data-driven motorcycle safety programs and countermeasures to achieve a significant reduction in motorcycle operator traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries. VISION - To be recognized as a national leader and resource for motorcycle safety programs.
Goals Expand member support services and benefits. Support and encourage comprehensive motorcycle safety programs and countermeasures at the national, State and local levels. Support the NHTSA Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 3 – Motorcycle Safety as a national priority and develop programs and resources to assist State and local Programs. Support and encourage comprehensive State Motorcycle Safety Plans.
Goals-continued Establish and maintain partnerships with federal, State, professional and stakeholder organizations that support comprehensive motorcycle safety programs. Serve as an online clearinghouse for resources and materials that assist in developing, implementing and evaluating comprehensive motorcycle safety programs. Serve as a trusted national resource and partner for motorcycle safety issues and advocacy.
Core Values Respect the diversity of our members and partners. Collaborate with our members and partners. Provide opportunities for open communication between our members and partners. Operate in an ethical, professional and transparent manner. Operate in a fiscally responsible manner. Build trust and confidence by committing to excellence. Promote evidence-based practices and approaches.
Strategic Areas of Emphasis
Strategic Areas of Emphasis
Membership SMSA Membership is a membership driven organization comprised of 3 categories: State Members from 3 Regions Supporting Members Individual Members If you are not a member, please support SMSA by joining.
SMSA Regions Western Central Eastern SMSA Office W A S H I N G T O R E D M Y V C L F U Z X K P A W I S C O N E B R K M H G D T V P Y L U J F Western Central Eastern A L A S K A W A I I SMSA Office
Supporting Members
Members Business Meeting The Annual Members Business Meeting is held in conjunction with the Annual SMSA Conference. Saturday, September 27, 2014 from 8 am – 12 pm, Baltimore, Maryland at the Conference Center at the Maritime Institute.
2013-2014 Executive Committee Acting Chairperson - Rick Kiley (SD) Secretary & Western Region Representative – Stacey “Ax” Axmaker (ID) Treasurer - Bruce Biondo (VA) Eastern Region Representative – Paul Graves (VT) Central Region Representative – Joseph Kelly (MI) At-Large Member - Eugene F. Carabine Supporting Member Representative - Roberta (Bobbie) Carlson - Cape Fox Corporation Individual Member Representative - Keith Lindgren - Tidewater Motorcycle Safety Training Program
2014-2015 Executive Committee Chairperson – Bruce Biondo (VA) Vice Chairperson – Rick Kiley (SD) Secretary & Western Region Representative – Stacey “Ax” Axmaker (ID) Treasurer & Central Region Representative – Joe Kelly (MI) Eastern Region Representative – Paul Graves (VT) At-Large Member – Eugene F. Carabine Supporting Member Representative – Roberta (Bobbie) Carlson - Cape Fox Corporation Individual Member Representative – Robert (Bob) Reichenberg (OR)
SMSA Staff & Office Executive Director - Brett Robinson Office Manager - Leslie Robinson IT Manager - Mark Ray Project Managers - Christie Falgione and Andy Krajewski Project Specialist – Tracy Krugh Administrative Assistant – Sheila Dulion Office Contact Information 1434 Trim Tree Road Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 801-8075 Email: Web Site:
SMSA Committees Volunteer members serving on committees assist the Executive Committee in identifying projects/activities and ensuring project expectations. Allows for greater input from the Membership.
Structure of Committees SMSA Executive Committee Governance Bylaws Oversight of Committees Motorcycle Safety Programs Committee Guidelines for Establishing State Motorcycle Safety Coalitions Promising Practices for State Quality Assurance Programs Model National Standards for Entry-Level Rider Training Communications & Membership Committee Enhancing Membership Services Conference / Summit Planning Membership Communications Policy & Planning Committee Policy Positions Positions Papers Strategic Planning Awards Elections
Communication and Membership Committee Responsible for projects and activities relating to safety awareness, membership services, communications, conferences and workshops. For 2014-2015 the committee will primarily focus on: Enhancing Membership Services, Conference Planning, and Membership Communications.
Communication and Membership Committee Chair Peter Vander Aa (NV) Eastern Region John Zimmerman (PA) Central Region Joe Lindsay (IL) Western Region Kurt Stromberg (UT) Supporting Member Angie Thundercloud, Harley-Davidson Anthony Van Schaick, GWRRA Individual Member David Wendell, Pacific NW Motorcycle Safety EC Liaison Roberta Carlson Keith Lindgren Staff Liaison Leslie Robinson Andy Krajewski
Motorcycle Safety Programs Committee Responsible for projects and activities relating to: State motorcycle safety programs. Rider education and training. Life-long learning. Research and data collection.
Motorcycle Safety Programs Committee Goals and Objectives For 2014-2015: Guidelines for Establishing State Motorcycle Safety Coalitions Promising Practices for State Quality Assurance Programs Model National Standards for Entry-Level Rider Training Additional projects or activities will be identified for 2015
Motorcycle Safety Programs Committee Chair Phil Sauce (MD) Eastern Region VACANT Central Region Joe Kelly (MI) Western Region Member-at-large Ray Pierce (MO) Supporting Member Lee Parks, Total Control Training Monty Lish, Evergreen Safety Council Individual Member Craig Breshears, AK M/C Safety Committee Barbara Smart, ABATE of Alaska Chad Teachout (MI) EC Liaison Stacey “Ax” Axmaker Staff Liaison Brett Robinson and Andy Krajewski
Policy and Planning Committee Responsible for projects and activities relating to policy positions, policy papers, strategic planning, awards and elections.
Goals and Objectives For 2014-2015 the committee will focus on: Policy Positions, White Papers, Strategic Planning, Awards, and Elections. In 2014, the committee will identify additional projects or activities for 2015 within the policy and planning area.
Policy and Planning Committee Chair Michele O’Leary (OR) Eastern Region Paul Graves (VT) Central Region John Milliken (TN) Western Region Mark East (SD) Supporting Member Cundiff Simmons, MSLV Individual Member Carlton Mabe, Virginia Western Community College EC Liaison Bruce Biondo Staff Liaison Leslie Robinson Andy Krajewski
How to Get Involved Run for the SMSA Executive Committee (must be a voting member delegate) Volunteer for an SMSA Committee. Openings include: Communications and Membership Committee Individual Member Representative Motorcycle Safety Programs Committee State/Eastern Region Representative State/Western Region Representative Policy and Planning Committee 2 Individual Member Representatives Others are welcome!
Website & Spotlight Magazine SMSA Web Site is Members Only Section – must be a member of SMSA. Submit a request for a user name and password by email to Quarterly Spotlight Magazine – Mailed and Emailed to Members Only
SMSA 2015 Symposium October 8-10, 2015 Baltimore, Maryland The Conference Center at the Maritime Institute.
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