Key Considerations in Designing the Medicaid Health Home SPA Alicia D. Smith, MHA Senior Consultant Health Management Associates
Discussion Points Defining health homes CMS expectations Key planning and implementation considerations Submitting the SPA Measures Reimbursement Cost savings States proposed approaches Parting thoughts
Defining health homes Enumerated in Sec of the Social Security Act Provides states the option to cover care coordination for individuals with chronic conditions through health homes Eligible Medicaid beneficiaries have: Two or more chronic conditions, One condition and the risk of developing another, or At least one serious and persistent mental health condition
Defining health homes Provides 90% FMAP for eight quarters for: Comprehensive care management Care coordination Health promotion Comprehensive transitional care Individual and family support Referral to community and support services Services by designated providers, a team of health care professionals or a health team
Defining health homes Beneficiaries choose the provider, team of health professionals or health team States may apply for matchable planning grants up to $500K Reimbursement may be on a PMPM or alternative basis
Guidance No immediate CMS plans to issue regulations. Guidance from: SSA Sec (Sec of the ACA) November 16, 2010 Dear State Medicaid Director letter issued by CMS Medicaid SPA Pre-Print Informal feedback from CMS and SAMHSA
CMS Expectations Client choice Whole-person service orientation Person-centered care that improves outcomes Services provide value for State Medicaid programs Support CMS three areas for improvements (experience of care, health status, reduce costs) Reduce hospital and nursing facility admissions, lower hospital ED use
Planning Considerations Transformation vs. match-grab Define the health home model It is okay to: Convert existing services to be claimable under health home Stagger implementation (must track unique users) Ramp up services on a less than statewide basis Determine the role managed care will play Complement vs. duplicate existing services Coordinating services for the whole-person Measuring outcomes
Implementation Considerations States ability to make the SPA operational Payment for coordination and linkage; not treatment Data sources to calculate measures Consider use of HIT to facilitate HIE Developing transitional care agreements with local hospitals Partnering with primary care providers (e.g., FQHCs)
Submitting the SPA SAMHSA consultation Single state Medicaid agency as lead (or hall pass to SMHA) Overview of health home model Areas of consultation Available dates for teleconference Suggested draft SPA documents to CMS Cover letter SPA template Client process narrative Graphic depiction of model
Key SPA Sections Geographic area Population criteria Provider infrastructure Service descriptions / HIT Provider standards Assurances Hospital referrals SAMHSA coordination Report evaluation results Monitoring Tracking avoidable hospitalizations Cost savings Proposal for using HIT Quality measures Clinical outcomes Experience of care Quality of care Evaluations
States Should Spend Time Addressing Use of HIT Identify sources and uses of existing data (e.g., claims and MCO encounter data) Leverage EHR use Explore connections with statewide HIE initiatives Identify options for HIE between behavioral health and primary care providers (e.g., National TA Center) Quality Measures Clinical outcomes relate to changes in health status Experience of care measures should derive from client surveys Quality of care measures relate to processes of care CMS will assist states in mapping measures to service definitions
Measures Leverage data already being collected (e.g., NOMS) Claims-based data for clinical outcomes measures Survey data for experience of care Care management and registry data for quality outcomes (suggest limiting record reviews) CMS is aligning measures across the ACA CMS will provide guidance on a core set of measures states can use for health homes
Likely feedback from SAMHSA and CMS From SAMHSA Use of a chronic care model Provider qualifications Health team members Engaging primary care Addressing SUD Capacity for new service users Use of HIT Interim outcome measures Need help (e.g., screening tools, integration models)? From CMS Choice and opt-out No age restrictions No exclusion of duals Provider and client notification Leveraging existing services (e.g., TCM, HCBS waiver) Non-duplication of payment Mapping quality measures to services Need help (e.g., quality measures, reimbursement)?
Reimbursement Methods Case rate PMPM Base rate Tiered by severity Performance incentive Other Considerations Start-up costs Training Health team composition Sustainability
Cost Savings Most savings accrue to physical health Consider how savings can be applied to sustaining health home services Unlikely that states will experience two-year savings Costs likely to increase for a period before savings estimates achieved Consider a longer tail (e.g., savings or slower rate of increase over 5 years)
Some Proposed Approaches StateDesignated ProviderPopulation Criteria MissouriCommunity mental health centers SPMI Mental health + SUD + Primary care practices (FQHC, RHC, public hospital clinics) Asthma, CVD, diabetes, DD, BMI > 25, other high risk Rhode IslandCommunity mental health organizations SPMI North CarolinaPatient-centered medical home (initial focus) A number of conditions (e.g., CVD, asthma, etc.)
Parting thoughts Leadership and buy-in is paramount for planning and SPA development Start with a model and develop the SPA; not the other way around Ask CMS early and often about confounding issues (i.e., how demonstrate cost savings for duals) Everything takes 3 times longer than time estimates