Remaining Sexually Pure… …While living In A Sex-Crazed World
Present your bodies a living sacrifice… …by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:1-2 …by the renewing of your mind
Principles Regulating the New Mind Be not deceived with generalities… Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9-10)
Principles Regulating the New Mind Be not deceived with generalities… Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9-10) I will have my bodily desires under control (I Cor. 6:12-13)
Principles Regulating the New Mind Be not deceived with generalities… Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9-10) I will have my bodily desires under control (I Cor. 6:12-13) Flee Fornication (I Cor. 6:18)
Principles Regulating the New Mind Be not deceived with generalities… Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9-10) I will have my bodily desires under control (I Cor. 6:12-13) Flee Fornication (I Cor. 6:18) I am not my own – I was bought with a price- I must Glorify God in my body (I Cor. 6: 20)
Principles Regulating the New Mind The Body Is Not For Fornication (I Cor. 6:12)
Principles Regulating the New Mind The Body Is Not For Fornication (I Cor. 6:12) The Body Is For the Lord – Lord For the Body -Resurrection (I Cor. 6:13)
Principles Regulating the New Mind The Body Is Not For Fornication (I Cor. 6:12) The Body Is For the Lord – Lord For the Body -Resurrection (I Cor. 6:13) Body is a member of Christ (I Cor. 6:15)
Principles Regulating the New Mind The Body Is Not For Fornication (I Cor. 6:12) The Body Is For the Lord – Lord For the Body -Resurrection (I Cor. 6:13) Body is a member of Christ (I Cor. 6:15) Fornication is a sin against the body (I Cor. 6:18)
Principles Regulating the New Mind The Body Is Not For Fornication (I Cor. 6:12) The Body Is For the Lord – Lord For the Body -Resurrection (I Cor. 6:13) Body is a member of Christ (I Cor. 6:15) Fornication is a sin against the body (I Cor. 6:18) Body is temple for the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19)
Present your bodies a living sacrifice… …by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:1-2 …by the renewing of your mind