Equipping the Church for Her Work Ephesians 3.10-11 Equipping the Church for Her Work Ephesians 3.10-11 If the church is a demonstration of the manifold wisdom of God to principalities and powers in the heavenly places… If she is the eternal purpose of God… Then we would expect God to be able to give her what she needs to serve His purposes while she exists. ***So what did He do to equip her for this monumental task? We are told very shortly.***
The Filling Up of All Things The church is the “fullness” of Christ – Eph 1.22-23 And He ascended that He might “fill all things” – Eph 4.8-10 He supplied the church with everything she needs to accomplish her purpose – Eph 4.11-16 Equipping the Church for Her Work ***The church is the “fullness” of Christ (the filling up, the completion, to make replete) – Ephesians 1.22-23 ***Christ ascended that He might “fill all things” (fill up, complete, make replete, supply, make sufficient) – Ephesians 4.8-10 ***It is clear from the following verses that included in His filling all things was supplying the church with everything it needed to accomplish her purpose. Ephesians 4.11-16 ***She is equipped (filled) by the gifts sent back from heaven to finish the work assigned her***
The Equipping of the Church Apostles – Jn 14.25-26; 2 Pet 1.3; Acts 1.8, 21-22; 2.32 “Eyewitnesses and ministers of the word” – Luke 1.2; 2 Peter 1.16; 1 John 1 What did the Lord give her in order to accomplish her work? Apostles – promises made and fulfilled (John 14.25-26; 2 Peter 1.3) The work of an apostle – Acts 1.8 “you will be witnesses for Me” Acts 1.21-22 “witness with us of the resurrection” Acts 2.32 “of which we all are witnesses” ***Luke 1.2 “eyewitnesses and ministers of the word” 2 Peter 1.16 “eyewitnesses” even of God speaking from heaven, “This is My beloved Son; hear Him!” NO ONE CAN MEET THESE QUALIFICATIONS TODAY! ***But there are other “offices” or tasks assigned to first century saints to help in equipping the saints, and one of the most important was the prophet***
The Equipping of the Church Apostles – Jn 14.25-26; 2 Pet 1.3; Acts 1.8, 21-22; 2.32 “Eyewitnesses and ministers of the word” – Luke 1.2; 2 Peter 1.16; 1 John 1 Prophets – until the end of prophecy – 1 Cor 13.8-10 Evangelists – Acts 21.8; 2 Tim 4.1-5 Prophets – Helped deliver the word until it was completed (1 Cor 13.8-10) PROPHECY HAS CEASED! Evangelists – went about preaching the good news (the name of the office is from the name of the message) Acts 21.8 – neither apostle nor prophet, but evangelist. The “work” of an evangelist – 2 Tim 4.1-5 ***But theirs is not the same office as the “Pastor”***
The Equipping of the Church Pastors – Eph 4.11 (“poimen” – a shepherd) 1 Peter 5.1-3 Also called Elders - “presbuteros” – elders They were to ‘Shepherd’ God’s flock – “poimaino” Serve as ‘Overseers’ - “episcopos” watch over Bishop (episcopos) qualifications then and today – 1 Tim 3.1-7, 11; Titus 1.7-9 Pastors – Different from an evangelist, men who stay among the church where they are appointed and take care of it. 1 Peter 5.1-3 Also called Elders - “presbuteros” – elders They were to ‘Shepherd’ God’s flock – “poimaino” Serve as ‘Overseers’ - “episcopos” watch over First mentioned Acts 11.30 when Barnabas and Saul were sent with relief from the saints in Antioch and delivered it to the “elders” in Jerusalem. At least two of the apostles were also elders The office of elder is still with us today and qualifications are listed for us in 1 Tim 3.1-7, 11 and Titus 1.7-9. EPISCOPOS ***But there are Teachers as well*** So the church has been equipped for her work. It is completely equipped, it’s work has been set out, and she lacks nothing to accomplish it.
The Equipping of the Church Teachers – Eph 4.11 Teachers – every level, men and women With exception of the work of the “deacon” whose qualifications are listed in 1 Tim 3.8-13 these are the “offices” of the church. These are the only ones given by the Lord to equip her for her work. Notice the things that are NOT listed here. Youth minister, music minister, outreach minister, assistant “pastor,” president, chairman, etc., etc…..ad nauseum. ***So the church has been equipped for her work.***
The Equipping of the Church The church has been supplied with everything needed for her work – Eph 4.12-16 It is completely equipped, it’s work has been set out, and she lacks nothing to accomplish it. Eph 4.12-16 God willing, we will discuss that work in future lessons.