Let’s take a look at the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)
Optical Telescope Radio Telescope Speed of Light ? ? ?
Space: a Timeline 1965-66 Project Gemini practice docking and space tests 1986 Russia Mir 1957 USSR Sputnik I 1998-now International Space Station 1973 USA Skylab 1961 Project Mercury man in space 1969 Project Apollo man on the moon 1962 Project Mercury man orbits earth 1990 Hubble Telescope 1961 USSR first man in space (in response, JFK states goal of man on the moon by the end of the ’60s)
So what are satellites used for?... Sputnik I was the first satellite, ever. It was about the size of a beach ball. All it did was beep. Sputnik beeping So what are satellites used for?... Satellites need two things in order to orbit Earth. What are they?...
A satellite is launched with a lot of velocity (speed) A satellite is launched with a lot of velocity (speed). But instead of flying away into space and getting lost, Earth’s gravity keeps it close, and therefore just going around and around and around (orbiting).
satellite space probe So what’s the difference?...
Space: a Timeline 1965-66 Project Gemini practice docking and space tests 1986 Russia Mir 1957 USSR Sputnik I 1998-now International Space Station 1973 USA Skylab 1961 Project Mercury man in space 1969 Project Apollo man on the moon 1962 Project Mercury man orbits earth 1990 Hubble Telescope 1961 USSR first man in space (in response, JFK states goal of man on the moon by the end of the ’60s)
What is a rocket?...
an ENGINE with everything it needs to be able to burn in space Rocket: an ENGINE with everything it needs to be able to burn in space
Hot gases come out of the bottom/back of the rocket while it stands upright. The pressure from these hot gases (thrust) pushes the rocket upwards.
A rocket is really just an engine – Have you ever been blowing up a balloon and accidentally let it go? That’s the same way rockets take off…. rocket space shuttle, with rockets A rocket is really just an engine – an engine with everything it needs to burn fuel in space. They need to be traveling 11km/second in order to break free of Earth’s gravity.
the solid rockets: reusable simpler (can’t be turned off) the liquid rocket: only used once can be turned on then shut off (This is not in slow motion….) Apollo 11 launch
The First Moon Landing, 1969
Most recently, space shuttles have been taking off landing Most recently, space shuttles have been used to get people to and from space. But in the immediate future?...
(to be joined by James Webb) Space: a Timeline 1965-66 Project Gemini practice docking and space tests 1986 Russia Mir 1957 USSR Sputnik I 1998-now International Space Station 1973 USA Skylab 1961 Project Mercury man in space 1969 Project Apollo man on the moon 1962 Project Mercury man orbits earth 1990 Hubble Telescope (to be joined by James Webb) 1961 USSR first man in space (in response, JFK states goal of man on the moon by the end of the ’60s)
Hubble Telescope James Webb Telescope
(to be joined by James Webb) Space: a Timeline 1965-66 Project Gemini practice docking and space tests 1986 Russia Mir 1957 USSR Sputnik I 1998-now International Space Station 1973 USA Skylab 1961 Project Mercury man in space 1969 Project Apollo man on the moon 1962 Project Mercury man orbits earth 1990 Hubble Telescope (to be joined by James Webb) 1961 USSR first man in space (in response, JFK states goal of man on the moon by the end of the ’60s)
The International Space Station
The International Space Station introduction to the space station (ignore the music) getting ready in the morning check out her hair... … then listen to the rest of what she has to say. space food tour the space station (10 minutes, but worth it)
Now let’s talk about how space technology benefits YOU….
But is it worth it?...
Please define the following words: electromagnetic spectrum optical telescope radio telescope observatory optics 2) Generally, where is the Hubble Telescope right now? Explain why the Hubble takes better pictures than an Earth-bound (on Earth) telescope. (Don’t say because it’s bigger or more expensive .) 3) Do page 13 #1-6. Just TRY #6 – if you get it wrong, so what? You tried….