3rd AWSC Annual Management Board Meeting December 16, 2015 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI AFRICAN WOMEN’S STUDIES CENTRE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 3rd AWSC Annual Management Board Meeting December 16, 2015
Dr. Margaret Wanjiku, AWSC’s pioneer PhD candidate during the 54th graduation of the University of Nairobi (December 4, 2015)
The Director-AWSC, Prof. Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira Calling out the 1st AWSC PhD candidate during the 54th University of Nairobi graduation ceremony
Highlights of 2015 achievements Academic programmes Research and policy advocacy Linkages and establishment of a virtual resource centre Pathways to Feminism and Development in Africa Creating conducive and supportive work environment Constraints Fundraising Growth of the Centre’s team Focusing on the dream of the Centre
In line with strategic objectives 1 and 2 to: 1. Academic programmes In line with strategic objectives 1 and 2 to: Contribute to knowledge development and offer quality academic programmes on/by African women. AWSC has come up with four programmes namely: Master of Arts in Women, Leadership and Governance in Africa
Cont. Master of Science in African Women’s Health. Diploma in Women, Leadership and Governance in Africa. Certificate in Women, Leadership and Governance in Africa. The PhD programme has undoubtedly become very popular and it is growing very fast.
2) Research and policy advocacy In line with strategic objective 3: to influence national and regional policies to take on board African women’s views and perspectives, AWSC focused on: the food security bill which is now in parliament collaboration with CoG and the Ministry of Health and Agriculture on food security consultations with agriculture committee of NA lobbying and advocacy for the bill participation in the agricultural show and Nairobi innovation week where we were stars review and input into other policies such as the social protection policy
For this support, we give credit to: Reuben Waswa, AWSC Prof. Tabitha Kiriti, School of Economics, UoN Prof. Prof. Octavian Gakuru, Dept. of Sociology, UoN Dr. Wanjiru Gichuhi, PSRI, UoN Dr. Collins Odote, , School of Law, UoN Dr. Linda Musumba, School of Law, Kenyatta University This is going to continue
3) Linkages and establishment of a virtual resource centre AWSC has established a network of women scholars working in gender departments different Kenyan Universities. We expect to bring into the network, at least two (2) other countries by end of next year - Dr Akinyi will make it happen. Establishment of a virtual resource centre for information about and on/by African women is at its initial stages. It should germinate in 2016/2017 - Dr. Akinyi and Tabitha are working on it.
5) The journal, Pathways to Feminism and Development in Africa Pathways to Feminism and Development in Africa will become the journal of choice in Africa. Mrs. Anna Petkova Mwangi is making it happen.
6) constraints Creating a conducive and supportive work environment towards the implementation of the AWSC programmes remains a challenge. We belong to College of Humanities and Social Sciences but we live with College of Education and External Studies which presents many challenges in terms of daily management of the centre.
7) Fundraising In 2015, there was no emphasis on fundraising but this year, AWSC has hired two members of staff who are going to spend time on fundraising particularly for research and policy dialogue. The leader of this team will be Wambui Kanyi supported by Reuben Waswa and the other academic staff members. We expect that 2016 would be a time of harvest both in launching of the M.A and diploma programmes which will also bring in some money as well as the work of the fundraising.
8) Growth of the Centre’s team Prof. Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira, Director Dr. Jane Wambui Dr. Grace Nyamongo Dr. Marygorety Akinyi Dr. Fronica Monari Reuben Waswa
Minneh Nyambura Tabitha Ngugi Wambui Kanyi Margaret Wamaitha Pauline Akinyi
9) Focusing on the dream of the Centre Our dream is to create a Centre where:- women and men studying African women’s issues will be able to meet, share ideas, have round table discussions, have a well stocked library, access internet easily, take coffee,
Cont. interview women for their knowledge about their lives, have regional conferences, have policy dialogue etc. In short a Centre of its kind where women and male scholars, policy makers are at home, a Centre that keeps the African dream of making Africa a continent that others will envy. Let us make this dream come true.
The details on the issues raised in this report will be briefly be presented by the staff members.