Presidential Candidates Views on Crime Control Policies President Obama Mitt Romney Expanded Federal Role More Police: Increase funding for the FBI, and the DEA, Increased federal prosecution of white-collar criminals. Expand services for crime victims, juvenile delinquency prevention, reentry services for prisoners, research, and innovative drug treatment. Gun Control: Ban assault weapons Reduced Federal Role Major cuts in federal law enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Amend key federal laws to make it more difficult to prosecute criminal behavior on Wall Street and in the banking and insurance industries. They would largely end federal grants to states and localities for crime fighting and criminal justice research. Gun Control: the National Rifle Association position of rolling back existing gun laws.
Comparing The Candidates on Crime Control President Obama Mitt Romney Drug Control: designed and passed significant reforms of federal sentencing laws reducing the excessively harsh penalties for crack cocaine Death Penalty: supports it for some homicides Privatization: not a supporter Supreme Court: Liberal Evidence-based Practice: Role of Community Drug Control: supports mandatory minimums; argues that changes would lead to massive early releases of dangerous felons. Death Penalty: supports it for some homicides Privatization: Supports expanded use of private for profit prisons Supreme Court: Conservative Evidence-Based Practice: Role of Community