ECC Readiness and Cutover May 15, 2017
Today’s Slides Review Peak’s efforts to verify and validate UFMP functionality in ECC platform Software Testing Validations Mappings Cutover Plan Outreach
Testing Results to Date Software Testing Validated base transfer of UFMP functions to ECC Validated user role separation between entities (RC, PO, BA, PSE) Opened approximately 50 overall issues related to UFMP functionality in ECC Correction released in regular Service Packs Production: Demo: (install this week)
Last Good Factor Test Software Testing webSAS had static factors, ECC has dynamic factors constantly calculated OATI has run internal tests on maintaining last good factor set when inputs fail Peak and OATI ran test May 10th using Demo platform System “down” for approx. 16 hours and used last good factor set
Logic Change from UFMP Implemented: Competing Path 2x Check Logic Software Testing Implemented: Competing Path 2x Check Logic Result: Provides more relief compared to webSAS version
Open Testing Items Marketing entity validation Software Testing Marketing entity validation Already tested by Peak and with small set Performing with additional sample set of entities by end of this week Issue with e-Tags related to gen-only BAs Occurs when all units open status in State Estimator Will require post June 1st fix
USF Event Comparison Service Point mappings in place for ~600 sources Validations Service Point mappings in place for ~600 sources Summary findings e-Tags selected by ECC but not webSAS are generally under the 10% factor threshold e-Tags selected by webSAS but not ECC are due to: Zero MW tag value Below 10% threshold Units offline in ECC – may need to revisit mapping Factors differences typically no more than 30%
Power Flow Analysis Validations ECC Peak WSM EMS (RTNET) Power Flow Tool ECC generates over 30,000 service point combinations Created same combinations in power flow tool
Power Flow Analysis PATH 30 PATH 36 ECC to PF Difference Validations PATH 30 PATH 36 ECC to PF Difference Percentage of Records < 1% 89.9% 1 – 5% 1.8% > 5% 0.8% (252) ECC to PF Difference Percentage of Records < 1% 89.4% 1 – 5% 3.9% > 5% 0.01% (3) PATH 31 PATH 66 ECC to PF Difference Percentage of Records < 1% 90.5% 1 – 5% 3.0% > 5% 0% (1) ECC to PF Difference Percentage of Records < 1% 90.2% 1 – 5% 2.9% > 5% 0.7% (484) Approx. 30,500 records All paths had 6.4% -7.5% missing due to units offline
Power Flow Analysis Validations Explainable differences between ECC and Power Flow Factors: Power Flow tool did not create factors for offline gen Power Flow tool uses Max MW for factor allocation, ECC uses Current MW Results of testing indicate ECC factor “engine” works correctly
Source/Sink Mappings Mappings Transitions from zonal concept in webSAS to granular service points at source/sink level in ECC Relate e-Tag information to modeling world (generators, loads, etc.) Start with just source side
Why Sources and not Sinks? Mappings webSAS maps all to generator side Assumption that sink BA will replace curtailed power ©2017 Open Access Technology International, Inc.
Mapping Effort Example Mappings BA Service Point Name WSM Substation WSM Unit AZPS PALOVERDE_GEN PALVDGEN UPLGEN1 UPLGEN2 UPLGEN3 Category BA PSE Type Name Service Point 1 AZPS APS01 Source PALOVERDE PALOVERDE_GEN AZUS01 BANN01 BURBT4 CLTN00 EPEC01 GLNDGL IIDMA1 LAWM01 LDWP PASM01 PNMMS1 RVSRV SCETAG SRP SRPMST VERNON Type of Source 1 Generation at a single point 2 Groups of generators 3 System Level 4 Tie Points 5 Non-Energy 6 Not modelled in WSM 7 Missing in WSM (ticket entered) 8 Sink registered as both 9 Sink point
Mapping Effort Progress Mappings Peak continues to apply changes to source/sink mappings as received from BAs Peak sent initial mapping efforts to BAs on March 17 Received responses from 19 entities Peak is waiting on replies from 17 entities Peak will continue to verify and update mappings until and after June 1st
SP to Zone Factor Compare Mappings Linked ECC service points to webSAS zones through the source names Approximately 1300 sources/sinks (only mapping source side) Greater than 5% Difference Between ECC and webSAS Also responsible for identified positive to negative factors Path 30 12.3% Path 31 13.9% Path 36 14.2% Path 66 17.2%
SP to Zone Factor Compare Mappings Compare assists with finding bad mappings Example: USBRgen (over 25% difference) Source in PACE BA owned by BPA marketer Peak tied to Klamath Falls gen on CA-OR border
Phase Shifter Mappings Peak is working to confirm mappings on Phase Shifters Purpose is to exempt e-Tags which cross a device that is part of the UFMP Two types: Source BA – Sink BA POR – POD Default to use of existing webSAS mappings
Other Mapping Issues Service Points with Singular Units Mappings Service Points with Singular Units Example: Identified e-Tag with zero factor where Service Point was used Service Point only has one unit that is open in model Service Points across BAs Some service points require grouping across BAs Best example: MID-C involves 5 hydro projects with 3 BAs ECC is designed for service points within a BA
Cutover Plan Cutover Plan Peak is working with OATI to create a cutover plan for June 1st activities Installed message on webSAS Code freeze mid-May for consistency across June 1st transition Demo platform “dry run” week of May 15th Performance test week of May 15th Go / No-Go Decision around May 25th
Cutover Plan Thursday, June 1st activities Transition during business hours for optimum business support (targeting 10:00 AM Central) Not based on regulatory/compliance Operational go/no-go 8:00 AM Will not transition if active USF events are occurring Disable parallel operations flag and enable normal operations in ECC Transition users from webSAS to ECC
Cutover Plan Post Cutover Activities webSAS ECC Transition to splash page showing ECC URL Hold system on standby until full decommission Includes roll-back plan if needed ECC Verify access by roles (RC/PO/TOP/BA/PSE) Peak will verify historical data in ECC platform
Cutover Plan Post Cutover Activities Validate all four USF steps can be issued Validate communication between ECC and other platforms Peak RMT receives USF alerts and sends them out properly Step 4 USF curtailments are issued to the e-Tag platform properly Reviewing ways to test after transition (e.g. small Step 4 event)
Outreach to Date Outreach Peak has performed significant outreach to stakeholders on UFMP transition Peak workshops – Jan/Feb 2017 4 hour overview of ECC functionality including UFMP BA/TOP webinars Held eight biweekly webinars to discuss UFMP transition and answer questions Marketing Entity webinars Held three biweekly sessions to answer questions for marketing entities wanting ECC access Issue: lightly attended
Outreach to Date Outreach Peak has performed significant outreach to stakeholders on UFMP transition Documentation Created materials for BAs/TOPs posted to and marketing entity material posted to Includes: Production access Starter guides Desk Reference Training slides User manual
Upcoming Outreach Outreach OATI is performing outreach efforts to ensure smooth transition from webSAS to ECC Holding quick 15-minute InfoSessions
Upcoming Outreach Peak will complete BA/TOP webinar series May 17 and May 31 @ 3:00 pm Mountain Peak will hold two more marketing entity webinars to cover detailed review of ECC support for UFMP May 23 @ 2:00 pm Mountain May 25 @ 11:00 am Mountain Peak will meet with UFAS one additional time TBD week of May 22nd prior to Go / No-Go
Thank you! Jeremy West 970-613-3542