Intro to Technology The Rules # assignments
The rules – handling/care of technology To carry the technology: hold it to your chest (no swinging, holding by the lid, etc.) Always place the iPad/laptop in the middle of your desk. It should be flat and never on top of anything else. Keep your hands on your own iPad/laptop Keep ALL food/candy/gum/drinks away from the iPad/laptop Return it in the condition you received it (no popping off keys, etc.)
The rules – operating technology No sound/music unless permission is given Bandwidth is limited! Go only to appropriate sites related to assignment. There is no right to privacy on school technology. When a teacher (or any adult) asks you to turn it off, you should comply immediately. Do not download anything without the permission of the teacher.
General responsibility The only person who should touch your technology is you You check it out, you bring it back, you use it. Technology cannot leave the room the cart is in At the end of the period you are responsible for putting your iPad/laptop in the correct place in the cart.
Your responsibility In the first minute you check it out, check for damage. If anything is broken/missing report it immediately. If it is reported later YOU will be held responsible. If there is a problem with your iPad/laptop (it is not working): Do not turn it off Do not yell, “It’s broken!!!” Do not return it to the cart With iPads: Try pushing the home button or closing the app If that doesn’t work, raise your hand and wait for the teacher. Note: I can come to classes and teach basic troubleshooting/teach students how to reset their passwords to put this responsibility on them. Or you could train ‘tech geniuses’ in your class to help others troubleshoot
Consequences If you do not follow the rules you will not use technology in this class. Possible consequences: Laptop Timeout – 1 Day Laptop Timeout – 1 week No Laptop This will all be logged in LiveSchool and parents will be contacted.
Ipad numbers Write these on the front cover of your packet