David Brillinger and [Bruce Bolt] Objective Estimates of the Seismic Intensity of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake David Brillinger and [Bruce Bolt] University of California, Berkeley
Introduction. Quantifying damage Intensity scales ordinal-valued Isoseismals Probabilistic approach Lisbon event n = 810
Methods. Grouped continuous model Latent r.v. , cutpoints j Y= II if < II Y= j if j-1 < < j if j = II,…,IX = X if IX < j increasing.
Objectives. 1. Automatic modelling method for ordinal-valued data Ordinal scale: “OK, good, very good, excellent” Can merge adjacent categories 2. Chance model for probabilistic risk assessment 3. Treat ordinal values as numerical?
Including explanatory X Spatial case ’X = (x,y), smooth function extreme value distribution Prob{Y=j|(x,y)} = exp{-exp{ j-1+(x,y)}}-exp{-exp{j+(x,y)}} Generalized additive model
Results. Data: MSK intensity counts II II+ III III+ IV IV+ V V+ VI 5 11 27 128 114 104 48 111 VI+ VII VII+ VIII VIII+ IX IX+ X 59 84 27 29 17 13 11
Estimate of (x,y)
Estimate of j
- Assessment of fit. Prob{Y=j|Y>j-1,X} = 1 – exp{-exp{φj+ (x,y)}} Proportion of successes on y-axis vs. cells for lp: φj+ (x,y) on x-axis
Prob{Y=j|(x,y)} for j = X, VII, II
Dependence on distance.
Joyner-Boore type attenuation log(-log(1-Prob{Y=j|Y>j-1})) = j + d + log(d) d, distance
Difficulties for small d
Discussion and conclusions. Empirical relations for intensity probability as function of location Stochastic model – assessment, tests Limitations – other variables, e.g. regional and local geology Hypercenter error Uncertainties Other functional forms (small d’s)
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Acknowledgements. J. M. Miranda J. M. Martinez-Solares The Organizers Beverley Bolt [Bruce Bolt] Errors are mine