What was the Protestant Reformation and the Counter Reformation?
Opening… 2. Early modern period was a time of cultural transformation 1. The current evolution vs. “intelligent design” debate has roots in early modern period. Christianity achieved global presence for first time Scientific Revolution fostered different approach to the world continuing tension between religion and science in the Western world 2. Early modern period was a time of cultural transformation Christianity and scientific thought connected people Scientific Revolution caused new cultural encounter between science and religion science became part of the the modern global world 3. Europeans were central players, but did not act alone
What was the Protestant Reformation? a protest to reform the Roman Catholic Church which turned into a religious revolt against the power of the pope and the church teachings Summary: RCC faced internal problems Renaissance spirit encouraged Martin Luther to challenge the church RCC fights back in the Catholic Counter-Reformation Reformation will have social, political, and economic effects
What were the causes of the P.R.? RELIGIOUS REASONS: Popes were more worldly than religious; bishops acted like nobles rather than servants of God; monks not completing their religious duties Selling of indulgences by the church (money paid to be forgiven for sins) Decline in morality and values and increase in corruption in Church Teachings of the church Interpretation of the Bible Kings objected to papal taxes; opposed political and economic goals of the RCC; national revenues going to church did not benefit kings directly Power and wealth in direct contrast to teachings of Bible--> living like kings and nobles Simony and Nepotism= selling of church positions and appointing relatives to positions Great Schism= 1377-1417, fight and ultimate split over election of the Pope hurt prestige of church
What were the causes for the P.R.? POLITICAL: Kings resented the pope’s claim of supremacy and interference in politics Nationalism increased caused the Pope (in Italy) to be looked at as a foreign rule ECONOMIC: Kings resented the wealth and taxes, property of the church Business people resent ban on USURY(interest) INTELLECTUAL: Renaissance spirit encouraged people to think and question leads to support of the people Invention of the printing press and VERNACULAR (local) language spread ideas quickly This is the main reason Luther was able to convert people!! COMMUNICATION AND SPREAD OF WORD
Spread of the Printing Press
Who was Martin Luther? 1. 1517- Luther (German monk) was troubled by the church selling of indulgences so he wrote the 95 Theses and hung them on the church door 2. 1520- Pope Leo X issued a BULL (an official statement) threatening excommunication unless Luther recanted. Luther refused and was excommunicated. 3. 1521- sent to Worms, Luther stood trial. King issued EDICT OF WORMS declaring Luther an outlaw and heretic 4. 1522- Luther returned to Wittenberg -new separate religious group known as the LUTHERANS 5. 1524-25- Prince’s army crushed peasant revolt-many turned away from his religious leadership 6. 1529- Prince’s loyal to pope agreed to join forces against Luther’s ideas. Princes who supported Luther signed a protest against that agreement and became known as PROTESTANTS
Martin Luther
Lutheranism vs. Catholicism Lutherans Catholics Salvation- justification by faith Bible- can be interpreted by each individual and written in vernacular Priests- lead secular life and free to be married; regular people run church business Religious authority- Bible is final word, NOT the Pope Salvation- good deeds, sacraments, INDULGENCES Bible- only Pope could interpret Bible, written in Latin Priests- celibacy, chosen by God Religious authority- Pope is final word
How did the P.R. spread? Reformation spreads to Switzerland Who was John Calvin? leader of Protestant center, French law student who was more interested in religion than law. disagreed with idea of salvation-PREDESTINATION (God had determined who would be saved even before time began left France in 1534 and went to Switz. and published book of his beliefs (Institutes of Christian Religion) followers became known as CALVINISTS and controlled Geneva town council Belief in PREDESINATION-God willed eternal damnation for some people and salvation for others stressed education, cannot where bright colors, read Bible daily, cannot dance, drink, play cards, listen to music, and cannot know the future
How did the P.R. spread? 2. Reformation spreads to England Who was King Henry VIII? Complicated man, wrote pamphlet against Martin Luther and his ideas Married Catherine, Queen of Spain(daughter of Isabella and Ferd.) after she married Henry’s older brother who died 1527- fell in love with another women Anne Catherine of Aragon could not produce heir so he married Anne Boleyn Divorce not permitted by Catholic Church, asked for annulment birth of Anglican Church which becomes the puritans (pilgrims) Henry was excommunicated when Arch Bishop granted him a divorce from Catherine (would get married 5 more times) Act of Supremacy in 1534- made Anglican Church of England independent from the Pope, with king at its head Protestantism will become the official religion of England due to Queen Elizabeth I- daughter of Anne (never marries and has no children )
Henry VIII
Horrible Tudors
Religious Division in Europe…
Other Protestants… Puritans- English Calvinists Huguenots-French Calvinists Presbyterians-Scotland
What was the Catholic-Counter Reformation? Churches response to the PR Two Goals: Stop the spread of PR and win back areas that have gone Protestant Strengthen church and reaffirm church dogma Loyola-Jesuits to win back Poland and Hungary Holy Inquisition-Spain and Italy Council of Trent- series of meetings called by pope to strengthen dogma and church I. ended church abuses-indulgences, simony, and nepotism II. higher standards for clergy III. Reaffirm (a) Pope is supreme (b) only church can interpret Bible (c) salvation achieved by faith, good works, and sacraments
What were the results of the Reformation? Ended religious unity in Europe under the Catholic Church Left German states divided between Lutheran in the north and Catholic in the south Helped encourage education, reading, and thinking As power of the Church weakened it in increased the power of the kings and middle class Political and religious wars broke out between 1550-1650 Spanish Armada, 1588-Spanish vs. English Cause-King Philip wants to increase power and bring Catholicism back to Spain Result- England wins, stays Protestant Huguenots War-civil war in France Cause Huguenots and Catholics over who would control throne Result-Henry IV takes throne after converting to Cath. Beginning of Bourbon Dynasty; EDICT OF NANTES-protected liberties of Huguenots-allowed Protest. And Cath. To live together Thirty Years War- German states, France, Sweden, Denmark vs. Spain and Austria Cause-Emperor Ferdinand II tries to increase power of Habsburg Family (ruling in Holy Roman Empire) Result- Peace of Westphalia-prevention of Habsburg from dominating Europe Peace of Augsburg- Germany remains divided between Protest. North and Cath. South Hundreds of small German states remain independent Ended unity of Holy Roman Empire
Religious Divisions in Europe 1555
Europe After the Thirty Years War
REVIEW… 1. The Reformation was a movement to a. reorganize gov’t control in northern Europe b. reform practices of the Roman Catholic Church c. destroy the old economic system of feudalism in France d. increase the power of the Pope
2. In the 95 Theses, Martin Luther protested all of the following except: a. sale of indulgences b. translation of the Bible into German c. simony d. nepotism
3. All of the following are true of the Act of Supremacy except: a 3.All of the following are true of the Act of Supremacy except: a. made the Anglican Church independent from the Pope b. made the king of England head of the Anglican Church c. created an English Papacy d. was passed in 1534
4. The Counter Reformation did all of the following except: a 4. The Counter Reformation did all of the following except: a. led to the excommunication of Martin Luther b. reaffirmed the supremacy of the Pope c. led to the founding of the Society of the Jesuits d. destroyed the Protestant movement
Which situation is considered a cause of the other three? (1) Religious unity declines throughout Europe. (2) The Catholic Counter-Reformation begins. (3) The power of the Roman Catholic Church decreases. (4) Martin Luther posts the Ninety-five Theses.
Which action could be considered an effect of the Protestant Reformation? (1) posting of the Ninety-five Theses (2) decline in the power of the Roman Catholic Church (3) sale of indulgences (4) end of religious warfare