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Egypt Nile-world longest river-flows north for 4,000 miles Blue Nile and White Nile form Nile Cataracts make rapids Delta-fanning out of Nile—very fertile soil
Surroundings West-Sahara desert East-Red Sea and Eastern desert South Nile- Protects from enemy boats cataracts North- Marsh—no harbors
Surroundings (con’t) Egypt rarely faced invaders—grow and prosper Mediterranean and Red Sea allow Egyptians to trade Frequent contact w/ neighbors
Flooding Regular-every year—left thick fertile black soil Planted in soil Dug canals to bring water to farmers
Papyrus Grows near the Nile Make paper
Writing Hieroglyphics-pictures mean symbols Scribes kept records—worked for rulers, priests, and traders—lots of schooling to become scribe
Surplus Allows for other jobs Cloth , pottery, statues, copper into weapons Need for Gov’t Control irrigation Store surplus grain Land disputes Gov’t is created to deal w/ issues