1.1.2005 – 17.10.2008 Grant Agreement EIE/04/Type2/222/SO7.388.


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Presentation transcript:

– Grant Agreement EIE/04/Type2/222/SO7.388

Our area

Pomurje Region inhabitants (6,3 % of SI) 27 municipalities housekeepings SMEs km2 (6,6 % of SI) the less developed region in Republic of Slovenia most rural area in Slovenia emigration of young people low education structure

Establishment: March 2005 Institution for promotion of sustainable energy development Local, regional, nacional co financed One municipality for all 26 municipality – Letter of mandate

Mision Contribution to sustainable development of region in the field of RES & RUE. Promotion, Animation, Programming, Investments, etc. To be a leading actor on RES & RUE in Pomurje Region and Nort-Eastern Slovenia and cross-boarder region (Slo – A – Hu – Cro) in 5 years! Vision

Main activities Start up phaseStart up phase Energy programmingEnergy programming Sectorial activitiesSectorial activities Horizontal activitiesHorizontal activities Dissemination of resultsDissemination of results Cooperation activitiesCooperation activities

Results / activities Pomurje – Energy sustainable region Pomurje – Energy sustainable region Energy Strategy of Goricko Regional Park Energy Strategy of Goricko Regional Park Energy concepts of Municipalities in Pomurje Region Energy concepts of Municipalities in Pomurje Region COVE - The road of renewable energy sources COVE - The road of renewable energy sources Local Energy – the source for the future Local Energy – the source for the future Renewable Energy Sources – the opportunity for Pomurje Renewable Energy Sources – the opportunity for Pomurje Nagykanizsa, the town of Renewable Energy Sources Nagykanizsa, the town of Renewable Energy Sources

Results Pomurje energy consumptions balance Pomurje energy consumptions balance Pomurje energy vision 2007 – 2013 Pomurje energy vision 2007 – 2013 Regional development plan for Pomurje region 2007 – 2013 (no energy field in previous plan!!) Regional development plan for Pomurje region 2007 – 2013 (no energy field in previous plan!!) IR Thermo diagnostic of building in Pomurje IR Thermo diagnostic of building in Pomurje NIMSEC – Novel and Integrated Model of Sustainable Energy Communities - IEE NIMSEC – Novel and Integrated Model of Sustainable Energy Communities - IEE

Energy consumption for thermal energy needs in Pomurje

Structure of RES covering thermal energy needs

EE in Slovenia: - march GOLEA – 14 KSSENA – 42 občin LEAD – 21 občin SPA – 22 občin LEA Pomurje – 27 občin EnergaP – 18 občin

IR Termodiagnostic Structure: Public sector – 40 building Apartments by year – 73 building

ENIDO Group and PEN We initiated: ENIDO Group, an ing database for informing local population on RUE and RES matters Pomurje Energy Network for incorporation and clustering of RUE and RES experts and entrepreneurs.

Promotion / presentation RES & RUE

Workshops / seminar Biogas; Biomass; Oil – transport; Energy efficient; Energy managment; Geotermal; Solar, wind,….

Brigdes and more… Organizations, Institutes, Public sector, Key actors Enterprises,… Local, regional, national, EU level

Index of our work Visitors of LEA; Lower energy consumption; Exploitation of RES; Lower CO2 emissions; New opportunity,...

After 3 year IEE..

We will not be focused on one or limited sources / financing, but we look diversification for financing our activities, that is: on local level – preparation and implementation of energy action plans within energy concepts of municipalities, on national level – involvement and helping achieve goals of the national ministries, and thus being a supplemented body (supporter) of the national body, on cross-border level – development and implementation of projects in the cross-border areas in partnership with cross border organization, in our case in Austria, Croatia and Hungary, -EU level – development and implementation of projects financed by IEE, 7 th Framework Programme, SEE, focusing on the activities which are seen as deem necessary from our 3-years experience.

Contact details Local Energy Agency Pomurje Lokalna energetska agencija za Pomurje LEA Pomurje Address: Martjanci 36, SI-9221 Martjanci, Slovenia Phone: (0) Web: