IGG Agenda – June 22nd 2006 Minutes from last IGG meeting 10.00 – 10.15 Review of Action Items 10.15 – 10.30 CER Update 10.30 – 10.45 CER Update SEM Update Gemserv Update 10.45 – 11.00 Market Operations Update 11.00 – 11.30 Networks SEM Update 11.30 – 13.30 Retail Market Design Service Update 13.30 – 13.40 Market Design Update 13.40 – 13.50 Version 5.1 Release of Market Systems Defect Resolution Requests Discussion Requests & Market Change Requests Cutover Plan for June Release 13.50 – 14.00 TAG Update 14.00 – 14.05 Next release of XML Schema Next Steps 14.05 – 14.10
Minutes Minutes from last IGG meeting – May 18th 2006
Action Items Actions Addressed in Advance of Meeting Update on Action Items Actions to be covered during remainder of presentation Actions to be carried forward Other Action Items
Actions Addressed in Advance of Meeting Action Item 7 – Provide update on date for data provision MCR 83 refers Interim data issued to all Market Participants
Update on Action Items Action Item 7 – Review requirement for connection agreement on CoS Action Item 9 – Advise IGG on proposals to resolve sites >= 100 kVA with no Connection Agreement ESB Networks proposal and CER draft decision published CER have set the deadline for consultation: 30.06.06 Implementation of ESBN proposal and processing of any change request await CER decision.
Actions to be carried forward
Actions to be carried forward Action Item 3 – Review of objections process Initial figures issued to CER
Actions to be carried forward Action Item 12 – CER to provide update to IGG from Pre-payment Working Group Propose to move this item to Supplier Forum
Actions to be covered during remainder of presentation Action Item 2 – Document Procedures governing the allocation of MPRNs for TSO Connected Sites DR 0112 issued Amended DR will issue following feedback
CER Update
Gemserv Update
Market Operations Update
Agenda ESB Networks Update MRSO Update Retail Market Issues Update
ESB Networks Update Tom O’Donnell
Rural to Urban Reclassification Update 148,832 MPRNs identified to be changed from DG2 to DG1 Project commenced January 2006 and all but 2844 have now been changed over 2844 have either open Meter works order (2638) or a billing trigger or switch document present Project now completed and is currently being transferred to the business to: To Change the 2844 MPRNs when meter works orders or billing triggers are cleared Ongoing monitoring of DG2s
Rural to Urban Reclassification Update Ongoing monitoring of DG2s required due to: Transformers upgraded from 1 ph to 3 ph under System Improvements New connections MPRNs may sometimes be referenced to incorrect Transformers First monitoring report identified 6700 MPRNs due to be changed from DG2 to DG1 and will be changed over shortly by Networks
Vulnerable Customers DR to implement CER decision in advanced stage of drafting Main elements in proposal: Replace the 2 existing special needs flags in the data model with a new single ‘customer attribute’ flag. This will affect the relevant CoS, CoLE and CoCD messages. Allow multiple segments on this field in messages to cover e.g. visually impaired, elderly. Add validations to prevent the creation of de-energisation calls for elderly during designated winter months and life support all year. Add validations to prevent scheduling such a call created earlier for life support or elderly within the designated months. Use existing correspondence address functionality to facilitate the sending of ESBN correspondence to a carer address where a visually impaired customer requests it of a supplier. Addition of attribute flags to printed work instructions and selected call screens. Next stage will be to issue revised Discussion Request
Frank Leetch – Manager MRSO MRSO Update Frank Leetch – Manager MRSO
MRSO Transmission Connected Sites Provision of data for 5 new sites had been a issue Management in Networks and National Grid have met and resolved Arrangement in place for supply of data pending system resolution in SEM
MRSO QH Sites designated as NQH Annual Verification of Data All sites that were identified in recent Profile Data Services (PDS) review now flagged as QH eligible on extranet Plan to do physical work in train Annual Verification of Data PDS have developed proposal for CER – to be submitted this week
MRSO 13 Month Issue SSA and MRSO have met and agreed implementation details of PM 185 (within 13 months) and approach to PM 179 (outside 13 months)
John Casey ESB Networks AIM Project Manager SEM Update John Casey ESB Networks AIM Project Manager
Retail Electricity Market Issues Update Brona McKnight, ESB Networks
Retail Electricity Market Issues Log Log continuing to issue on a weekly basis Summary Statistics (as per last release – June 21st 2006) Total Number of Issues Logged 126 Total ‘Closed’ 112 Total ‘In Progress’ 10 Total ‘Being Monitored’ 2 Total ‘Logged’ 2 Issues Resulting in DRRs 9 Total Raised Since Last Issue 0 Total Closed Since Last Issue 0
Retail Market Design Service Update C. Madden, RMDS
Retail Market Design Service Update Updated RMDS Contact Details RMDS: rmds@esb.ie DDI: 00353-1-6189510 Name Contact Details Cormac Madden ddi: 00353-1-6189550 E-mail: cormac.madden@esb.ie Oonagh Delaney ddi: 00353-1-8582813 Brona McKnight ddi: 00353-1-6042067 Tim Cragg ddi: 00353-1-6189510 Susan Morrissey ddi: 00353-1-6142871
Retail Market Design Service Update Quality Review Internal review of quality processes as well as Market processes ongoing Stakeholder Meetings Initial contact made with some Market Participants to arrange meetings in the next few weeks Plan to be compiled and submitted to CER following stakeholder meetings.
Migration of Market Design to new Process Modelling tool
Migration of Market Design to new Process Modelling tool Working with Web Development team to create our own RMDS web-site to store V 5.1 Full Version 5.1 of Market Design issued on CD first week in June - Interim Solution Work is in Progress to update the RMIG Site
Brona McKnight, ESB Networks Market Design Update Brona McKnight, ESB Networks
Discussion Requests, Defect Resolution Requests & Market Change Requests
Discussion Requests
New Discussion Requests DR 0114 MM210 Supplier Provided Reading
New Discussion Request DR 0114 Raised by: Airtricity Request that any valid reads submitted on an M210 Supplier Provided Reading (read reason 95 – not for CoS) are accepted by ESB Networks regardless of whether a complete set of readings for every register is provided or not.
Discussion Requests DR 0112 New MPD 37 New Generator Transmission Connector Raised by: Retail Market Design Service NEW PROCESS (MPD 37 NEW GENERATOR TRANSMISSION CONNECTOR) REQUIRED TO DOCUMENT THE PROCESS FOR THE NEW CONNECTION OF A QH METER POINT TO THE ESB NATIONAL GRID (TRANSMISSION) SYSTEM. Following feedback amended DR to issue
New Discussion Requests DR 0113 SUPPLIER OF LAST RESORT (SOLR) Raised by: ESB Customer Supply CER has issued a final direction on the Supplier of Last Resort (CER 06/006). ESB Customer Supply have been appointed by CER to provide a SoLR function for the Irish electricity market. SoLR takes effect when a supplier exits the market and the customers supplied by the exiting supplier will revert to the SoLR unless they apply to an alternative supplier. Following Feedback, further Clarification Required from CER
Defect Resolution Requests DRR 0104 Omission in CR of Baseline Products Impacted for MCR 0064 - Raised by: Retail Market Design Service In addition to baseline products impacted for MCR 0064: MPD 8 - Changes to Connection Characteristics v5.0. where the change is from NQH to QH the MM 330 will also issue, This MPD has been updated to reflect this in Version 5.1 of the Market Design Documentation.
Defect Resolution Requests DRR 0105 Update to Baseline Product Impacted for MCR 0050 Raised by: Retail Market Design Service As specified in ‘MCR 0050 Modifications to CoS Readings process in CoS loss scenario’ The Baseline Product identified is: MPD 14 – NQH Readings Processing V 4.4 This should read MPD 1 CoS NQH V5.0 Supplementary Information This update to the MPD is reflected in Version 5.1 of the Market Design Documentation.
Defect Resolution Requests DRR 0106 Exchanged Meter Ref amendment to provide only for like for like exchanges Raised by: Retail Market Design Service Currently Exchanged Meter Reference is provided in the new and removed Meter ID Segments of the 332 and 331 messages even when a physical exchange of Meter has not taken place. E.g. New Connections, Meter Re-configurations. The purpose of this item is to allow Suppliers to identify which meter has been exchanged for which new meter in the case of like for like exchanges. A like for like exchange can be defined as the exchange of one meter for another with the same configuration e.g. a Day / Night Meter for a Day / Night Meter. It is proposed to provide this item only where a like for like meter exchange has taken place. i.e. not for New Connections or where a meter has been re-configured from NQH to QH or where a non like for like exchange has taken place.
Change Requests MCR 0086 Text to be added to MPD 14 to cater for standard Profile Changes. Next Steps?
Cutover Plans for June Release B McKnight, ESB Networks
Timeslots for MPCC & Schema Upload 13h 05-Energia 13h 20-Airtricity 13h 35-Bord Gais 13h 55-CHP
If the decision is ‘No Go’, Note: Step 13. If the decision is ‘No Go’, NW will work to resolve the issue during the remainder of Saturday. In this case, there will be a further Go/No Go decision notified to the market at 09h00 on Sunday 25th of June. If the decision is ‘Go’ Step 9(schema upgrade and 999 message) will be rescheduled to 09h00 on Monday 26-06-06. MOIEX support will be available for this.
On the day Roll Back Plan
Defect Resolution If Defect/Bug detected after the 24th June MPs Notified Data Clean up Emergency Software Release
TAG Update O Delaney, ESB Networks
MPCC Upgrades MOIEX have issued MPCCv12 to all Market Participants Single Installation CD will issue to Market Participants following the June Release
Planned outages None planned
SEM TLG held on 13.06.06 Typical message structures released for illustration – not finalised. Messaging protocol to come later. Target date for protocol is 31.07.06
Next Steps Proposed Diary dates for subsequent meetings August 10th September 21st November 2nd December 14th There will be Special IGG meetings convened for SEM, Market Participants will be advised in due course
Next Steps Propose to continue with conference call every two weeks – proposed dates July 6th July 20th August 3rd August 24th Call details will remain the same: Number: 01-6647602 PIN : 77640 Contingency number remains: 01-6647777 PIN: 60236