The Integrated Development Foundation IDF: Integrated Development Foundation
Excellence Motto: Excellence
12/02/1994, and 03/08/1994 as an association IDF: Integrated Development Foundation Creation: 12/02/1994, and 03/08/1994 as an association Motto: Excellence
To reduce inequality and marginalization among the male and female population of the North West Region by 10% between 2010 and 2015 IDF: Integrated Development Foundation Creation: 12/02/1994, and 03/08/1994 as an association Motto: Excellence Vision: To reduce inequality and marginalization among the male and female population of the North West Region by 10% between 2010 and 2015
To empower the male and female population of the North West Region to be able to take part actively and democratically in the development of their community, socially and economically with guiding principles of team work, quality, equity and social justice. IDF: Integrated Development Foundation Creation: 12/02/1994, and 03/08/1994 as an association Motto: Excellence Vision: To reduce inequality and marginalization among the male and female population of the North West Region by 10% between 2010 and 2015 Mission: To empower the male and female population of the North West Region to be able to take part actively and democratically in the development of their community, socially and economically with guiding principles of team work, quality, equity and social justice.
Main Objective: To contribute to the creation of conditions that can permit marginalised and vulnerable populations to regain their dignity and to ameliorate their living conditions To contribute to the creation of conditions that can permit marginalised and vulnerable populations to regain their dignity and to ameliorate their living conditions Mission: To empower the male and female population of the North West Region to be able to take part actively and democratically in the development of their community, socially and economically with guiding principles of team work, quality, equity and social justice. IDF: Integrated Development Foundation Creation: 12/02/1994, and 03/08/1994 as an association Motto: Excellence Vision: To reduce inequality and marginalization among the male and female population of the North West Region by 10% between 2010 and 2015
Promotion of solidarity in the defence of the rights and in the economy of the marginalized male and female population. Contribute to the success of the strategies and policies put in place by Government to combat the spray of HIV/AIDS in the Region. Implementation of activities that can contribute to the amelioration of the sanitary, social, economic and environmental well being of the target populations. Promotion of the civil society organizations in the management of public policy.
Principally in the North West Region Soon to go operational in the West Region Area of Intervention: The North West Region
Head Office is located on the 4 th Floor of the NWCA Building on Commercial Avenue, Bamenda, Mezam Division Area of Intervention: The North West Region Head Office: 4 th Floor NWCA Building, Commercial Ave, Bamenda
Opposite Brasseries Depot – Wum (Menchum Division) Soon to be open in Bana (Nsoh) Area of Intervention: The North West Region Branch Offices: Wum (opposite Brasseries Depot) Head Office: 4 th Floor NWCA Building, Commercial Ave, Bamenda
Area of Intervention: The North West Region Branch Offices: Wum (opposite Brasseries Depot) Head Office: 4 th Floor NWCA Building, Commercial Ave, Bamenda Approach: Participative Action Research and collaboration Participative Action Research coupled with systemic approach and collaboration with other organs
Ministries: Public Health, Social Affairs, Urban Development, Employment and Vocational Training, Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO), International Labor Organization(ILO), Canadian Executive Services Overseas (CESO-SACO), Coaching the Global Village (CGV), Plan Area of Intervention: The North West Region Branch Offices: Wum (opposite Brasseries Depot) Head Office: 4 th Floor NWCA Building, Commercial Ave, Bamenda Approach: Participative Action Research and collaboration Collaboration: Ministries (Public Health, Social Affairs, Urban Development, Employment), VSO, ILO, CESO-SACO, CGV, Plan
Human Resources Area of Intervention: The North West Region Branch Offices: Wum (opposite Brasseries Depot) Head Office: 4 th Floor NWCA Building, Commercial Ave, Bamenda Approach: Participative Action Research and collaboration Resources: Financial, Human and Material Collaboration: Ministries (Public Health, Social Affairs, Urban Development, Employment), VSO, ILO, CESO-SACO, CGV, Plan Financial Resources Material Resources Membership/annual dues Income Generating Activity Services rendered by staff and board members Grants and subsidies Support from donors Hired staff International and community volunteers Board members Consultants Partner organizations through small grants By donation
People, particularly women and girls, living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Village and quarter development associations (VDA) Savings/loans and farmer cooperatives Various types of groups/associations Single Adolescent Mothers (SAM) Area of Intervention: The North West Region Branch Offices: Wum (opposite Brasseries Depot) Head Office: 4 th Floor NWCA Building, Commercial Ave, Bamenda Approach: Participative Action Research and collaboration Target Population: VDAs, Groups, OVCs, PLWHA, SAM, Coops Collaboration: Ministries (Public Health, Social Affairs, Urban Development, Employment), VSO, ILO, CESO-SACO, CGV, Plan Resources: Financial, Human and Material
Community Health, Local Economic Development, Women Empowerment, Child Rights, and Capacity Building Area of Intervention: The North West Region Branch Offices: Wum (opposite Brasseries Depot) Head Office: 4 th Floor NWCA Building, Commercial Ave, Bamenda Approach: Participative Action Research and collaboration Main Activities: Community Health, Local Economic Development, Women Empowerment, Child Rights, and Capacity Building Collaboration: Ministries (Public Health, Social Affairs, Urban Development, Employment), VSO, ILO, CESO-SACO, CGV, Plan Resources: Financial, Human and Material Target Population: VDAs, Groups, OVCs, PLWHA, SAM, Coops
Activities Realised
Community Health
(General Hospital) Activities Realised Home Based Care Community Health
Program in the Menchum Division Activities Realised Home Based Care Community Health OVC Program in Menchum Division
with emphasis on chronic diseases Activities Realised Home Based Care Community Health OVC Program in Menchum Division Health Promotion
Activities Realised Community Health Local Economic Development (LED)
Three Main Actors in Development The State CouncilCivil Society Ministries Regional Delegations Technical Services Fon Quarterheads Divisional Councils City Councils Councillors Churches NGOs Associations Trade Unions Cooperatives What is missing for Decentralisation to be effective?
Improved access to quarter infrastructure and services (clean water, roads, security, mobility) Improved access to quarter infrastructure and services (clean water, roads, security, mobility) Facilitate process of building up partnership between quarters and councils Facilitate process of building up partnership between quarters and councils Accompany quarters in their process of reorganisation and legalisation Accompany quarters in their process of reorganisation and legalisation Facilitate the link between quarters development associations and councils Facilitate the link between quarters development associations and councils Activities Realised LED at the Grassroots Community Health Local Economic Development
Capacity Building of Councils and Actors Capacity Building of Councils and Actors Activities Realised LED at the Grassroots Community Health Local Economic Development Empowering councils and VDAs in LED principles
Capacity building of CSOs Capacity building of CSOs Radio Programs Radio Programs Workshops Workshops Activities Realised LED at the Grassroots Community Health Local Economic Development Empowering councils and VDAs in LED principles Highlighting Civil Society Contribution to LED
Activities Realised Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights
Activities Realised Fight Against Child Labour and Trafficking Community Health Participative Decentralised Development Child Rights
Activities Realised Fight Against Child Labour and Trafficking Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Withdrawal of children from forced labour situations
Activities Realised Fight Against Child Labour and Trafficking Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Research on Non-Registration of Children at Birth Withdrawal of children from forced labour situations
Activities Realised Fight Against Child Labour and Trafficking Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Research on Non-Registration of Children at Birth Establishment of 750 Late Birth Certificates to Primary School Children and 34 Single Adolescent Mothers Withdrawal of children from forced labour situations
Activities Realised Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment
Training of Single Adolescent Mothers Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Activities Realised
Training of Single Adolescent Mothers Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Entrepreneurial empowerment of women and girls living with HIV/AIDS Activities Realised
Community Health Local Economic Development Capacity Building Child Rights Women Empowerment
Activities Realised Capacity building of saving and loans cooperatives Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Capacity Building
Activities Realised Capacity building of saving and loans cooperatives Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Capacity Building VDA skill building on resource mobilization
Activities Realised Capacity building of saving and loans cooperatives Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Capacity Building VDA skill building on resource mobilization Continuous capacity building with community volunteers
Activities Realised Capacity building of saving and loans cooperatives Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Capacity Building VDA skill building on resource mobilization Continuous capacity building with community volunteers Promoting Volunteerism
Activities Realised Capacity building of saving and loans cooperatives Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Capacity Building VDA skill building on resource mobilization Continuous capacity building with community volunteers Promoting Volunteerism IDF Professional Development
Activities Realised Training of Single Adolescent Mothers Community Health Local Economic Development Child Rights Women Empowerment Entrepreneurial empowerment of women and girls living with HIV/AIDS Fight Against Child Labour and Trafficking Research on Non-Registration of Children at Birth Establishment Late Birth Certificates Withdrawal of children from forced labour situations LED at the Grassroots Empowering councils and VDAs in LED principles Highlighting Civil Society Contribution to LED Home Based Care OVC Program in Menchum Division Health Promotion Capacity building of saving and loans cooperatives Capacity Building VDA skill building on resource mobilization Continuous capacity building with community volunteers Promoting Volunteerism IDF Professional Development
Finding sustainable financing To find and attract dedicated and engaged staff Lack of an appropriate vehicle for fieldwork Difficulties: Sustainable Funding, Engaged Staff, Vehicle for Fieldwork
Develop and implement a resource mobilization strategy to ensure the sustainability of IDF Locate funds to implement IDFs plan to build a Vocational Training Centre Build IDFs understanding and ability to carry out lobbying and advocacy and to mobilize other to join IDF To further develop IDFs M&E system to ensure quality analysis Develop and strengthen IDFs partnership with councils Continue to market IDF in Cameroon and abroad Difficulties: Sustainable Funding, Engaged Staff, Vehicle for Fieldwork Resource mobilization strategy Construction of a Vocational Training Centre Lobbying and advocacy Further develop IDFs M&E system analysis Develop and strengthen IDFs partnership with councils Continue to market IDF in Cameroon and abroad Way Forward:
Vehicle to facilitate IDFs field work Scholarships for Single Adolescent Mothers (SAM) Construction of a centre Expansion of existing programs Increase scope of health programs to include health promotion Continue work on birth certificates lobbying Provide new loans to women living with HIV Train new community volunteers Difficulties: Sustainable Funding, Engaged Staff, Vehicle for Fieldwork Resource mobilization strategy Construction of a Vocational Training Centre Lobbying and advocacy Further develop IDFs M&E system analysis Develop and strengthen IDFs partnership with councils Continue to market IDF in Cameroon and abroad Way Forward: Wish List: Vehicle Scholarships for SAM Construction of a centre Expansion of existing programs Introduce health promotion into programs Continue work on birth certificates lobbying Provide new loans to women living with HIV Train new community volunteers
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