The FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward THIS PRESENTATION DEALS WITH THE ROLE OF THE FIM AFRICA ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARD OUTCOME: To ensure a proper understanding of their duties and responsibilities as officials. The implementation of the FIM AFRICA Environmental Code aims to prevent pollution and to minimise the potential for adverse environmental impacts at all FIM AFRICA sanctioned motorcycle events. To ensure that these impacts are minimal FIM AFRICA needs to train and accredit officials who will deal with all environmental aspects at these events. The ES is responsible for the oversight of the environmental management of the event, evaluation and monitoring of the Environmental Management plan and compliance with regulatory and legislative requirements relating to the environment.
COURSE CONTENTS Introduction Duties Before, During and After Event Checklists Code of Conduct Contacts An overview of what will be covered during this presentation THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
The Environmental Steward is the key role-player in ensuring the successful implementation of FIM AFRICA’s Environmental Code FIM AFRICA is responsible for ensuring that all event organisers, venue owners as well as competitors comply with the FIM ENVIRONMENTAL CODE and international/national best practices in so far as the protection of our nautural environment are concerned. The Environmental Steward must have a thorough understanding of environmental best practice, of available and prevailing techniques and technologies to prevent or mitigate the environmental consequences of an event. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
accredited or licensed. At all FIM AFRICA meetings it is compulsory to appoint an Environmental Steward who shall deal only with environmental aspects. An Environmental Steward must have completed an examination of FIM AFRICA and must be accredited or licensed. It is compulsory for the hosting National Motorcycle Federation to appoint a FIM AFRICA accredited Environmental Steward at all FIM AFRICA sanctioned events. The name of the Environmental Steward must be entered in the event SRs. Only a person who has attended and satisfactorily completed the examination at a FIM environmental seminar or a FIM AFRICA environmental seminar, and has been accredited by either institution, is eligible for appointment as an Environmental Steward. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY The Environmental Steward, as an official, is responsible for ensuring that at all FIM AFRICA events, the organisers, venue owners and competitors comply with the requirements of the FIM AFRICA Environmental Code in terms of protection of our natural environment. KEY FUNCTION of the Environmental Steward. He/she must have a through knowledge of the environmental responsibilities of all the different roleplayers (venue owners, organisers, competitors). THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
DUTIES 1. Ensure that the Enviro Code is respected 2. Obtain access to all event information 3. Be involved in the planning of events 4. Educate on Environmental issues 5. Make recommendations on Enviro issues 6. Inspect venue or circuit facilities 7. Inform CoC of serious violations of Code 8. Identify areas of good practice 9. Complete an Environmental Checklist The Environmental Steward has the following responsibilities at each event: To ensure that the FIM AFRICA environmental code has been read and understood by the organiser and officials of the event and that the principles embodied in the code are being respected. To have access to all information concerning the event and may be consulted about the planning of an event To have the opportunity prior, during and after the event to make recommendations to the organisers, Chief Steward and the Clerk of the Course or Jury President on all aspects of the event, which may have potential environmental consequences. To carry out an inspection of the circuit or venue and all its facilities at any time before, during or after the event. To inform the officials running the event of serious breaches of the FIM AFRICA Enviro Code. To identify areas of good practice. Where, at the sole discretion of the appointed Environmental Steward, an environmental infringement has occurred, this immediately has to be reported to the Clerk of the Course Best to provide written reports on competitors, officials and service providers who have been observed transgressing the environmental code, to the clerk of the course and stewards, who will determine the appropriate sanction for the offence. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
BEFORE THE EVENT 4 weeks before – send by email the Environmental Code and applicable checklist to the event organiser 3 weeks before – contact the organiser, whether they understand the documents received Familiarise yourself with all information concerning the event and get a general impression of the circuit/route and its facilities before the start of the first Stewards’ or Jury meeting Inform and ask the organiser to remedy identified shortcomings and violations of the Environmental Code Prepare and personally hand over information to the public announcer, about environmental conduct for competitors and spectators Preparing for an Event….Environmental Steward must remember that his duties starts long before the start of the event. Essential that the Environmental Steward must be appointed well in advance in order to play an active role in the planning and preparation of the event. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
DURING THE EVENT Upon arrival, introduce yourself to the Clerk of the Course and other race officials. Attend ALL Stewards’ meetings and give feedback on findings If possible, wear clothing and/or licence card for easy identification Carry your Environmental Steward licence at all times Perform regular inspections of the circuit/course and all its facilities Immediately inform the Clerk of the Course of non-compliance of the Environmental Code Before the final Stewards’ meeting, prepare the relevant Checklist and hand over to the Chief Steward Technical competencies: Knowledge of enviro best practices Event Intelligence ie. Thorough understanding of the circuit/route Prevention and mitigation strategies Enviro Health & Safety Problem Solving skills Evaluation and Monitoring skills THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
AFTER THE EVENT Send your checklist to the FIM AFRICA Secretariat within 48 hours after the event Prepare a report, with photos, summing up important environmental aspects related to the event Check by phone or in person, a few days after the event, whether organiser did everything necessary to minimise negative impacts on the environment Your duties and responsibilities DOES NOT stop at the end of a race. Follow up is essentail after a race meeting. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
THE CHECKLIST Environmental Checklists must be completed and returned to the FIM AFRICA secretariat within 48 hours after the end a race meeting. Checklists are available for different disciplines All checklists are available on FIM AFRICA website Consider Photo Records…reference! Educate!! An environmental checklist will be distributed to organisers with the organising permit and other relevant report forms. The checklist must be completed by all Environmental Officers and returned to FIM AFRICA, within 48 hours. Walk the extra mile, include photos with your checklists to illustrate various environmental aspects at the event. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
PRACTICAL…completing the checklist Checklists of the different disciplines will be distributed at the seminar. (Motorcross, Cross Country & Enduro events) Discuss the checklists and instruct attendees of correct procedure to complete the checklist THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
10 GOLDEN RULES OF CONDUCT Promote environmental awareness - act primarily as an educator Be unbiased and objective when you complete the check list. Make sure of your facts Respect the rights and dignity of others Be professional and diplomatic in discharging your responsibilities Be fair, honest and considerate in your dealings with others Extremely important that the Environmental Steward adheres to a few basic rules of good conduct. Mention the 10 GOLDEN RULES. Good Conduct and Professionalism is essential for any successful motorsport official. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
10 GOLDEN RULES OF CONDUCT ….continued 6. Be committed to provide a quality service 7. Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility, especially when dealing with youngsters 8. After an event, commend the organisers / owners on their achievements and give advice for future improvements 9. Refrain from behaviour that could bring FIM AFRICA into disrepute 10. Declare immediately any conflict of interest Any serious failure of the Environmental Steward towards the obligations and due diligence mentioned towards his duties will be examined and sanctioned by FIM AFRICA, with the possible withdrawal of the Environmental Stewards' accreditation. THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
CONTACT DETAILS Please consult the FIM AFRICA website for the latest Environmental News, Environmental Code Educational Material, Checklists, etc. or The FIM website at: Important to keep up to date with current trends, updates, etc. Consult these websites for the latest news. Positive advice is welcome, please contribute with comments, proposals and ideas! THE FIM AFRICA Environmental Steward
THANK YOU Allow time for questions after the presentation.