A 4 Step Process (Kind of…) The Scientific Method A 4 Step Process (Kind of…)
Step 1: Formulate a Hypothesis = A specific prediction that can be empirically tested Empirical = Hypotheses contain variables that can be operationally defined! Variable= = Defines a variable in very specific terms as to how it will be measured, manipulated, or changed. How many instances of violence?
Step 2: Design the Study & Collect Data Decide what research method you will use for collecting data: Methods= observing and describing behavior Correlation Methods= used to show that one variable causes change in a second variable Causation
Step 3: Analyze the Data & Draw Conclusions How do we take all of the data we collect and then make sense of it??? = mathematics that allow us to analyze, summarize, and draw conclusions If the results are Statistically Significant, then it means that the results are not very likely to have occurred by Statistical Significance means (usually) that the hypothesis was correct Statistical Significance vs. Practical Significance Ex: Statistically Significant = Suicide attempters had fewer years of education (12.7 years) as compared to non-attempters (14 years). Practically, that difference was not substantial enough to be clinically meaningful in helping identify those who pose a suicide risk. = pooling the results of several studies into a single analysis, thereby revealing overall trends not evident in a single study!
Step 4: Report the Findings Let the world know: Who participated How participants were selected How variables were operationally defined What procedures or methods were used How the data were analyzed What the results seem to suggest WHY?!?! Replication= Others can repeat the study to confirm or dispute the findings More replications with identical results help hypotheses develop into theories Tentative explanation that tries to account for diverse findings on the same topic