A&I Firmness
Vision Assistance in foreign trade markets development and diversification.
Mission Expansion of sales and opening the market for small and medium- sized companies.
Offer analysis of English, Spanish and Russian – language markets, preparation of potential clients data base including personal contacts to decisive units responsible for purchases, preparation of professional commercial offers in 3 languages, gaining new clients via Internet using advanced technique such as: positioning SEO, mailing, Web browsing, translations, regular contact with clients and customer service.
Offer Contact with the local trade press in order to promote and advertise products Registration on trade Internet portals and social networking platforms connected with specific business branches. Promotion and advertisement in branch press and PR agencies. Cooperation with local trade associations. Coaching, mentoriship and other similar sales for commercial management Business visit services, including aid in making hotel and conference room reservations, airport pick-ups, organisation of trainings and technical translations
Direct I stage sample selling II stage increase of turnover Aims
Aims Conquest of new markets Establishing and maintaining business relationships with new partners and clients Export sales network growth Customers diversification Worldwide promotion of brand names
Potential markets: South and Middle America Arabic countries Asia North America and European Union BRICS countries nad the Balkans Africa
Partners Chester Molecular Sp. Z o.o. The Worlds Leading Fuel Security & Safety Company Jeremy Sp. Z o.o. Polamp – Warszawa Sp. Z o.o.
Contact: Thank you for your consideration