Land Career Development Event Elba High School FFA Chapter
Fill Out Card Your Name Elba High Coffee
Part 1 – Land Class Factors Surface Texture Course = gritty, individual grains can be felt (SAND) . Sand Silt Clay 1 1 1
Surface Texture (cont…) Medium = slightly gritty feel or a soft smooth feel like powder (Silt) . . 1 1 1
Surface Texture (cont…) Fine = fine texture forms very hard clots when dry and is plastic when moist, forms 1” ribbon (Clay). . 1 1 1
. B. Permeability Very Slow – fine subsoil very plastic and sticky (Clay) has few small pores which water and air move. . 4 2 1 3
B. Permeability (cont…) Slow – medium or fine subsoil that is slightly sticky and firm when wet and crack into hard fragments when dry, has moderate small pores which water and air move. . 4 2 1 3
B. Permeability (cont…) Moderate – medium textured subsoil, slightly sticky when wet and is crushed with moderate pressure, has large number of fine and medium pores which water and air move. . 1
B. Permeability (cont…) Rapid – has coarse texture, sandy gravelly, or stony, very friable moist, and single grained when dry. . 3
C. Depth of Soil Deep = 40” or more Moderately Deep = 20 – 40” Shallow = 10 – 20” Very Shallow = less than 10” 1 40”< 20-40” 1 3 10-20” 6 <10”
D. Slope The slope will be taken at either 50’ 1 0-2% 2-5% 5-8% 8-12% 12-17% >17% 2 3 4 6 7 The slope will be taken at either 50’ or 100’ they will tell you which one.
E. Erosion Very Severe = gullies are less than 100’ apart 2 3 7 6” < topsoil 2-6” topsoil 0-2”topsoil No topsoil Very Severe = gullies are less than 100’ apart Severe = gullies are more than
F. Soil Drainage Poor = soils have dominant gray color (over 50%) in the upper 10”. Fair = has gray between 10 and 30” Good = free from gray to 30” Excessive = coarse, free from gray to 40 or more inches. 3 2 1
G. Major Limiting Factors Depends on the factors which limit the land class, (the numbers to the side that you wrote in). Only count the highest number(s) as limiting factors. 1 3 .
H. Land Capability Class Land Capability Class is the highest number used on the Major Limiting Factors section of the score card. Important: Classes V and VIII will never be used on land CDE. o
I. Recommended Practices Circle numbers on the front that correlate to the practices on the back. Make sure to mark which site you are judging.
J. Cropland Class I land Class II land Class III land Class IV land Slope >2% Erosion, standing H2O If already exist Usually don’t mark Holds water, flat Washes 12” deep If grown up pH < 6.0 N-P-K (H,H)(M,M)(L,L) (H,M)(H,L)(M,L) (M,H)(L,H)(L,M)
K. Pastureland If 50% of pasture has no plants or grass. If 50 – 70% is grass. Grass lower than 3” Weeds, not clover If no clover If trees/brush growing Don’t mark 12” deep wash pH<6.0 N-P-K (same as cropland).
L. Forestland Ground litter fails the nuckle test. When not already there. If already present. If not many trees present (Must also mark 9). 6”diameter & 6’ or less apart. Cut all trees if its an old growth forest. (20”dia.). Weed trees (not wanted). 8. Overcrowded (4” dia.) 9. If marked #4. 10. If 12” gullies are present.