My portfolio in a few slides Mija RABEMANANJARA April 2014
Summary Where I come from Career overview A few examples of delivrables No. 2
Geographical coverage Work Personal Open-mindedness and adaptability
Summary Where I come from Career overview A few examples of delivrables No. 4
15 years of professional experience No. 5 Developer, Business analyst, Project manager (build &run) Quality manager IT Consulting Manager today RoleCompanyClientsExpertise Project Management Application Management IT Service Management Quality Management Transformation Change management IT governance IT project management IT Service Management Quality Management Transformation Change management Agile methodology Lean IT
Career overview per expertise You will find examples of project that I ran, for each expertise I acquired during the past years. The following slides present the expertise such as : –Governance – Change management (training, communication, individual manager coaching and team building) – Process improvement based on frameworks (CMMI, ITIL, COBIT/VAL IT) – Lean IT methodology
Main professional experiences per expertise (1/4) No. 7 Governance IT strategy definition Program assessment and recommendations IT department process definition
MAAPRAT – IT strategy definition No. 8 Approach Performance assessment of IT focused roles in the organization : interviews Definition of IT strategic plan objectives : comittees with it managers and workshops Against on-going projects/program identify the complementary actions to launch to meet the objectives : interviews and workshop Objectives IT strategic plan definition (SDNSI V4) Definition of project to implement the SDNSI V4 Deliverables examples Results The identified improvements proposed a wide range of changes : organizational, governance, project or IT service management processes, IT assets, tools for supporting processes
Main professional experiences per expertise (2/4) No. 9 Governance Change management (training, communication, individual manager coaching and team building) IT strategy definition Program assessment and recommendations IT department process definition Project and organization change management Training Communication Quality manager coaching
Design tools to measure communication afficiency, project progress also while staying pragmatic Support the user through his change process GDF SUEZ : Change management No. 10 Approach Objectives Provide project communication on on-going activities Recommend the most appropriate communication actions for the roll out the plan Deliverables examples Results On-going project Everything needs to be done still, no training, just communication, promotion Show room Flyers & posters
Main professional experiences per expertise (3/4) No. 11 Governance Change management (training, communication, individual manager coaching and team building) Process improvement based on frameworks (CMMI, ITIL, COBIT/VAL IT) IT strategy definition Program assessment and recommendations IT department process definition Project and organization change management Training Communication Quality manager coaching IT department assessment Definition / enhancement of process referential
Ubifrance – IT department process definition No. 12 Approach IT department process assessment (document and real life implementation) Action plan definition Processes definition using an agile methodology : allowed us to meet the allowed 3 months time frame Processes and procedures description Workshops with key stakeholders (IT managers) and dedicated room provided to ease communication between UBIFRANCE et LBC Web site release with published referentiel Objectives Define the IT department processes (46 in 3 months) Build a website to allow users to navigate across the process referential Deliverables examples Results Processes and some key deliverables provided Website released
Main professional experiences per expertise (4/4) No. 13 Governance Change management (training, communication, individual manager coaching and team building) Process improvement based on frameworks (CMMI, ITIL, COBIT/VAL IT) Lean IT methodology Provider management Process improvement based on frameworks and human capital IT strategy definition Program assessment and recommendations IT department process definition Project and organization change management Training Communication Quality manager coaching IT department assessment Definition / enhancement of process referential For Logica IM/AM teams (SILCA, ONF, MEDDTL) Workshops using lean tools Enhancement of lean IT organization and methodology
SILCA IM – improvement process through lean methodology No. 14 Approach Interview clients to identify the most important for him regarding Logica project Prioritization of two subjects Workshops with client and Logica to analyze et find the root cause of the problem to resolve Internal workshop to launch improvement actions Follow-up on the actions decided Objectives Regain clients trust in our ability to manage our staff efficiently with the less impact possible on him Deliverables examples Results Better image of Logica/CGI
Summary Where I come from Career overview A few examples of delivrables No. 15
Examples of deliverables Change management strategy invitation to the showroom Human capital workshopEnd of project report
For more information No. 17