How to ROCK in 3rd Grade
All About the teacher Collaborative bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood and Special Education from Samford University Master’s in Education from Kennesaw State University. I am excited for my fifth year of teaching! Some of my favorite things are traveling, baking, running, spending time with friends, family, and my dog, Ladybug.
Transitioning Into 3rd Grade Going from learning to read to reading to learn Moving from teacher-directed to independent work. Emphasizing testing in content areas (Reading, Writing, and Math)
Responsibility On-time attendance Curriculum Keep Practicing
R – Responsibility (Student) Students should be responsible for anything sent home that needs to come back to school (i.e. books, forms, agendas, etc.) Teaching your child responsibility takes some of the pressure off you, AND teaches them a life skill. Students are also responsible for completing assignments on time. There will be consequences for not being responsible
R – Responsibility (Parent) Our main communication is through the class blog. Please make sure you are subscribed so you can get our updates when new information is posted. We are happy to communicate via email, too. We will respond to you as soon as we can. I will post weekly on my BLOG. Check your child’s agenda for daily behavior and important forms. Parent/Teacher conferences may be scheduled as well.
O – On time Attendance Our work day begins promptly at 8:00. By arriving to school before the 7:50 bell, students can have time to unpack and settle in before starting the day. We have a LOT of curriculum to cover this year, so it is crucial that your child be at school unless he/she is truly sick (fever, contagious, throwing up, etc.) Assessments can take place any day of the week First major testing year (CoGAT & ITBS in September, and GA Milestone Test in April) Science and Social Studies are taught ALL Day on Fridays. Please try to avoid absences and early check-outs on these days.
English Language Arts and Literacy CCGPS Big Ideas C - Curriculum English Language Arts and Literacy CCGPS Big Ideas Third grade is a pivotal year for your child! Learning to read with fluency and confidence Be able to make sense of multi-syllable words in books Appreciate that words have meanings that are not literal (e.g., a piece of cake) and have relationships to other words (e.g., company and companion) By the end of the year, your child also will be writing clear sentences and paragraphs on a range of topics, drawing on an expanding vocabulary.
C - Curriculum Math CCGPS Big Ideas One of the most important topics this year is multiplication and division. Fractions and 2-step word problems are also major concepts that teach this year. Multiplication, division, and fractions are the building blocks for may life skills that students will learn in later grades, such as percentages. Addition and subtraction within 1,000 are reviewed. However, students should be fluent with facts.
C - Curriculum Science – Heat energy and magnets Science GPS Big Ideas: Science – Heat energy and magnets Rocks and soils/fossils Habitats of Georgia Interdependence of Man- Pollution/Conservation
C - Curriculum Social Studies: American Indian Cultures through Colonization Economy- Productive Resources, Goods & Services Map and Globe Skills
K – Keep Practicing Nightly expectations include reading and practicing math facts (memorization of addition and subtraction facts now and multiplication facts through 10 by May) Students who are still struggling with the addition and subtraction math facts, need to Continue to practice in preparation for the multiplication and division we will begin learning shortly.
K – Keep Practicing STANDARDIZED TESTING September 6-15: Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGat) and Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) April 11-20: GA Milestone Test Students will be tested on reading, writing, language arts, and math