Bolivia We Are Just the Same Shayla King UF 2oo – Civic and Ethical Foundations –Margaret Sass Introduction Looking to Learning Bolivia is a children’s story book based on the life of a child in Bolivia. I chose to write in this topic to bring to light the difference in cultures in different areas of the world and how despite these differences, we can all be treated equally—with love and kindness. I wrote on this topic to help children know how they can treat those around them that are culturally different. During this service opportunity I had hoped that I would learn a lot about teaching others how to open up to cultural diversity. I believe my professor wanted us all to realize the importance of children having this skill as well. I am amazed at the love I found for sharing the love I have for a different culture and hope that I helped some hearts open to this love for cultures around them as well. Reflection Reflecting back on the chance I had to write and create this cultural children’s book as well as read this book to children really touched my heart. I had the opportunity to write about a young Bolivian girl who, during the time I lived in Bolivia, became like family to me. I had the chance to tell other children about her and her life outside of the United States. I loved at the storybook reading as I read the last sentence referring to me and this young girl, “But.. We are just the same!” I got to hear those children awe over the ending and felt touched that they had learned about someone of a different culture and their reaction of love and acceptance of the story. I hope that through the story that learned that you can show love to those who have different lives because in the end, we are just the SAME. Ethical Philosophy Impact on Community The ethical philosophy I used during this service experience was Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a philosophy in which happiness and suffering are created throughout a person’s actions. We should always be working towards minimizing suffering and maximizing happiness. As members of society it is up to us to be the difference between a person’s suffering and their happiness. We have that power and we should use it every day. In this activity I had the chance to show children at a young and impressionable age how they can be this difference. This service opportunity gave me the chance to directly impact the community by spending a couple hours towards the creation of a children’s book that was donated. I also had the chance make an impact through reading this book to 8-10 children. Indirectly, I also got to impact the community through bringing this cultural diverse story into the light and giving children some insight into the different cultures there are around the world that they have little exposure to.