3 over a thousand-year tradition in Christianity over a thousand-year tradition in Christianity large concentration of sacral monuments from times of the first Slavic missionaries to today large concentration of sacral monuments from times of the first Slavic missionaries to today strong religious tradition and ties of its citizens to religion strong religious tradition and ties of its citizens to religion above-average proportion of believers in the CR: above-average proportion of believers in the CR: ̶ Czech Republic 13.9% ̶ Zlín Region 29% (Source: important places of pilgrimage within the CR Velehrad – Basilica bestowed the Golden Rose by the pope Velehrad – Basilica bestowed the Golden Rose by the pope Holy Hostýn – estimated 500,000 pilgrims annually Holy Hostýn – estimated 500,000 pilgrims annually existence of pilgrimage routes in the Zlín Region Velehrad – Holy Hostýn Velehrad – Holy Hostýn Velehrad – Holy Antonínek Velehrad – Holy Antonínek Holy Hostýn – Holy Kopeček Holy Hostýn – Holy Kopeček Rosary Pilgrimage Route and others Rosary Pilgrimage Route and others RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN EASTERN MORAVIA
providing access to important sacral monuments in the Zlín Region familiarizing visitors with monuments in terms of architecture, art, cultural and spiritual value BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT implemented since 2009: unique project in the CR example of cooperation of local government and churches 2011 – 95,000 visitors in the Zlín Region (21 key tourist locations) creation of 140 new jobs PROJECT OPEN GATES 4
Membership of the Zlín Region and East-Moravian Tourist Authority Zlín in I Cammini dEuropa First contact in October 2010 Signature signed in September I CAMMINI DEUROPA
BENEFITS FOR THE ZLÍN REGION: Participation of the region in I Cammini d'Europa involves presentation of a pilgrimage tourism product at trade fairs in Madrid, Paris, Rome, Rimini, Milan and Berlin Cooperation with already engaged partners in religious tourism Achieving good practice and sharing experiences in the area of religious tourism Engagement in EHZS projects I Cammini d'Europa Engagement in elaboration and implementation of tourism products and promotional materials Engagement in studies and marketing research projects Creation of a special tourism package for the territory of the Zlín Region Promotion of territorial products (gastronomy, crafts, culture) at exhibitions and trade fairs Use of the quality brand name I Cammini d'Europa on religious tourism promotional materials 6 I CAMMINI DEUROPA
Program: INTERREG IV C Priority: 2 Environment and Risk Prevention Area of intervention: 2.6 Cultural heritage and landscape Call for Proposals: no. 4 Implementation period: January 2012 – November 2014 (33 months) Project status: implementation phase 8 PROJECT CERTESS Project partners LUXEMBOURG: Europ. Institut of Cultural Routes ITALY: Region Lazio MALTA: Department of local government POLAND: Administrative district of Gorlice AUSTRIA: Salzburg Research ROMANIA: Sibiu County Tourism Association SPAIN: Tourism Agency of the Balearic Islands FINLAND: JAMK University of Applied Sciences GERMANY: Karlsruhe Institut of Technology CZECH REPUBLIC: Zlin Region LUXEMBOURG: Ministry of Culture Luxembourg SPAIN: Regional Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Sport
1,150 years since the arrival of the Slavic missionaries - Saints Cyril and Methodius - to the territory of Great Moravia An opportunity for remembrance, to celebrate with dignity and use this important historical event not only for raising consciousness amongst citizens, but also for tourism and cultural routes The anniversary honors the founding principles of Christianity passed on to people in their own language, the creation of a Slavic writing system, the first legal documents and laying of the foundations for education and culture Opportunity to raise interest in the ideas of peaceful coexistence of cultures, spiritual, ethical and cultural values VELEHRAD 2013, PLACE OF MEETING AND DIALOGUE 9
National cultural monument since 2008 Symbol of the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Moravia Meeting place for believers and for western and eastern cultures Burial place of Cardinal Špidlík Venue for important cultural and spiritual events in the jubilee year 2013 Cyril and Methodius Pilgrimage and Days of People of Good Will International conference with the Cyril and Methodius theme Exhibitions, concerts, training and education programmes 10 VELEHRAD – CENTER OF CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL HERITAGE OF EUROPE Place and opportunity for initiating the creation of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius
Network of European regions for tourism development in Europe Gathering relevant regions and institutions in tourism 25 regions 30 public and private institutions (European Intitute of Cultural Routes) Zlín Region member of the network since 2011 – the only member from Central Europe Simultaneously, member of the Executive Committee 11 NECSTOUR- NETWORK OF EUROPEAN REGIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE AND COMPETITIVE TOURISM NECSTOUR - NETWORK OF EUROPEAN REGIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE AND COMPETITIVE TOURISM
Programme Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe founded by the Council of Europe in 1987 with the aim of demonstrating through travel across space and time how cultural heritage developed in various places of todays European countries. European Institute of Cultural Routes – programme administrator. PROGRAMME AIMS To increase consciousness of European cultural identity and citizenship To support intercultural and interreligious dialogue through better understanding of events in European history. To protect and enrich natural and cultural heritage as a means for improving the quality of life and the source of social, economic and cultural development 12 CULTURAL ROUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE
Since the start of the programme until today, there are a total of 29 certified European cultural routes. 13 CERTIFICATION CRITERIA 1.Cooperation in research and development 2.Enhancement of the memory, history and European heritage 3.Cultural and educational exchanges of young Europeans 4.Contemporary cultural and artistic practice 5.Cultural tourism and sustainable cultural development CULTURAL ROUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE
AIMS Building a network of partners linked to the mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius and their legacy of developing Christianity in Europe Founding the organization European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius Certification of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius within the programme Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe 14 EUROPEAN CULTURAL ROUTE OF SAINTS CYRIL AND METHODIUS
The European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius will be a European network of cities and regions interconnecting historically important places of pilgrimage and utilizing their common cultural heritage for increasing competitiveness and attractiveness of European cities and regions. 15 AREAS FULFILLING CERTIFICATION CRITERIA 1.COOPERATION IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2.ENHANCEMENT OF THE MEMORY, HISTORY AND EUROPEAN HERITAGE 3.CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGES OF YOUNG EUROPEANS 4.CONTEMPORARY CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC PRACTICE 5.CULTURAL TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT EUROPEAN CULTURAL ROUTE OF SAINTS CYRIL AND METHODIUS
BENEFITS OF THE CULTURAL ROUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION The network of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius focuses on the legacy of Europes Christian roots in order to renew and utilize not only sacral monuments, but also Christian traditions and cultures of countries related to the brothers from Thessaloniki It contributes to better handling of the seasonal nature of tourism thanks to a new travel model, and strengthening European citizenship through discovering our common heritage. Cultural routes accommodate other segments of tourists. Cultural routes represent an opportunity for local citizens in the area of enterprise, support of investments and development of infrastructure and human resources, development of services, increasing revenue and due to an increased concentration of tourism options, creation of jobs and increase in employment. 16 EUROPEAN CULTURAL ROUTE OF SAINTS CYRIL AND METHODIUS
POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES I.Programme Culture II.Financial Mechanism EEA 2009 – 2014, Priority Area 1 Preserving European Cultural Heritage III.The Lifelong Learning Programme - Programmes Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundvig IV.Visegrad Fund – within the framework of small and standard grants V.Transnational cooperation of projects for European Cultural Routes, Programme of the European Commission VI.INTERREG, further programming periods (cross-border and transnational cooperation) 18 The aim of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius will be prepared for implementing objectives within the framework of individual areas in order to draw from subsidies as a part of the EU Cohesion Policy for EUROPEAN CULTURAL ROUTE OF SAINTS CYRIL AND METHODIUS
We are looking for partners for further cooperation in the interest of fulfilling the objectives of the overall aim. We expect to meet each other again in the jubilee year, and that we will reach agreement with our partners regarding the next steps for fulfilling the aim – certification of the cultural route. Public Authorities Education and Research Institutions 19 ALBANIA BULGARIA CZECH REPUBLIC CROATIA ITALY HUNGARY MACEDONIA GREECE SLOVAK REPUBLIC SLOVENIA SERBIA TURKEY EUROPEAN CULTURAL ROUTE OF SAINTS CYRIL AND METHODIUS
Saints Cyril and Methodius contributed immeasurably to building Europe, not just in terms of its Christian religious society, but also its civic and cultural unity. 20 BL. POPE JOHN PAUL II:
Thank you for your attention. Jindřich Ondruš Deputy Governor of the Zlín Region 21