Integrating D1 indicators to ecosystem component level Conclusions from WKD1Agg Anna Rindorf, DTU Aqua
Workshop approach Species integration The workshop brought together 24 experts from 12 countries, specialising in fish, seabird and mammal 3 approaches were considered: Species integration Criteria integration within ecosystem component Integration of species within criteria
Why not just pick the ‘best’ one? Species approach had the advantage of directly reflecting the Habitats directive Criteria approach had the advantage of encompassing integrated indicators and allowing similar approaches in e.g. D4 Both approaches can use the same indicators, though the species approach then loses the direct link to the Habitats Directive
Methods for integration and worked examples One out, all out (OOAO) Proportional/probabilistic Averages Weighted averages Examples OSPAR- fish, birds, mammals HELCOM- fish, birds, mammals Black Sea- fish Med - mammals
Integration within criteria Species Group GES Criteria Indicators Species
Integration within species Species Group Species GES Criteria Indicators
Why not always use OOAO? If there are many indicators, some will be outside GES due to e.g. sampling uncertainty or natural variability If using a OOAO, we will alwyas get ‘out’ at ecosystem component level Using other methods reduces the influence of e.g. sampling uncertainty and natural variation
When is OOAO the right thing? Some indicators and levels are percieved as being of high importance These can be included using OOAO OOAO increases compatability with the Habitat Directive When there are few species, proportion and probabilistic methods all converge to OOAO