March 1 – Gatsby Chapter 1 Agenda: Reading Quiz Card Sort Tom & Daisy Homework: Complete the chart of information on Tom and Daisy Take Out: Pen/Pencil Notebook The Great Gatsby
Reading Quiz Do your best to answer the questions quickly and briefly Make sure your name is on it Turn it over when you’re finished
Card Sort In your group, spread out the packet of words that you are given Sort the words into categories of your choice You can have as many as five, and as few as two categories Your only hint: all of these words are from the first chapter of the book
Tom and Daisy In chapter 1, the narrator meets Daisy and Tom Buchannan at their house for dinner. Complete the following chart of information for each character, using specific concrete details from the text. Fill in the following information about each character: Physical appearance Background information Interests Mannerisms Nick’s opinion of them