August 16, 2007
Welcome and Introduction of Provost John Presley One Degree
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs One Degree
Associate Deans Deborah Gentry Alan Lacy One Degree
Computer Support Staff Kate Plantholt Chris Andre James Hearn One Degree
Deans Office Suzie Zeigler Cindy Greskiwcz One Degree
Director of Development Joy Hutchcraft One Degree
Dr. Lori Woeste, Chairperson, CAST Council Dr. Sandy Klitzing, Academic Senate Dr. Frank Waterstraat, Academic Senate Dr. Randy Winter, Academic Senate Dr. Robert Zant, Academic Senate One Degree
Dr. Rob Rhykerd, Interim Chair, Agriculture Dr. David Falcone, Interim Chair, Criminal Justice Sciences Dr. Rick Boser, Chair, Technology One Degree
INFORMATION TECHNOLGY Youngning Tang Kyoungwon Suh One Degree
KINESIOLOGY and RECREATION Kristen Bolton One Degree
Associate Professor Amy Hurd, School of Kinesiology and Recreation One Degree
Professor Jim Broadbear, Department of Health Sciences One Degree
Professor Dan Wilson, Department of Technology One Degree
The Use of Case Studies & Clickers to Enhance Student Engagement One Degree
Turner renovation & relocation Wellness Center planning & construction Facility management issues Balance instructional capacity with enrollments One Degree
Increase external funding Build an inventory of summer courses and expand TEAL Reach out to Alumni and engage them Build College Recapitalization Partnerships Engage College in strategic planning exercise Add one degree One Degree
At 211 degrees Fahrenheit, water is hot. One Degree
At 212 degrees, it boils. One Degree
And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. Seemingly small things can make a big difference. Be the difference. One Degree
CAST Best of luck to each of you this year! A Look Ahead