Centrally Managed Resource Allocation T. Ferrari/EGI.eu OMB 18-12-2012 12/1/2018 Centrally Managed Resource Allocation
Centrally Managed Resource Allocation Problem No processes for allocation of resource as a service to international collaboration (unless they contribute own resources) Different site-level allocation policies Uncertain (if not less than best effort) commitment of many RCs supporting opportunistic usage of resources to VOs – see BIOMED presentation at the Resource Centre Forum, EGITF12 Usage is not acknowledged Lack of processes to Express a demand Reply to demand 12/1/2018 Centrally Managed Resource Allocation
Centrally Managed Resource Allocation Proposal Proposal for centrally managed allocation of resources approved by EGI Council in Nov for experimentation What is central management of allocation? EGI.eu collects demand from international VOs RCs and NGIs contribute a fraction of resources to constitute a distributed pool of resources available for allocation Demand is peer reviewed and resources are offered by RCs policies issues will be investigated by the Council (out of scope here) 12/1/2018 Centrally Managed Resource Allocation
Centrally Managed Resource Allocation OMB actions Propose processes around management of demand and offer (see draft), presentation at the Jan workshop “Evolving EGI” Demand: user SLA EGI.eu How are resource demand formally expressed? Offer: EGI.eu OLA Resource providers Match demand with offer Usage of resources must be acknowledged in scientific publications Other issues: accounting of usage, automation of processes and support tools 12/1/2018 Centrally Managed Resource Allocation
Centrally Managed Resource Allocation Next steps Setup a working group of NGIs in January to Collect information about existing NGI activities and best practices Some NGIs already are experimenting resource offering as a service nationally Many processes applicable at a national scope can be easily extended to a EGI level Mandate Propose procedures for the handling of resource allocation – see attached draft (Jan OMB discussion Evolving EGI workshop) Expressions of interest to be part of the WG by 21-12-2012 (mail to resource-allocation at mailman.egi.eu) Organize a testbed with the involvement of Resource providers (NGIs/RCs) VOs (e.g. BIOMED, discussions at the Resource Centre forum at EGITF12 Expressions of interest to participate to the testbed as resource provider: 21-01-2013 (mail to resource-allocation at mailman.egi.eu). A small set of dedicated CPUs and storage is required as contribution to the testbed. 12/1/2018 Centrally Managed Resource Allocation