Welcome and Thank You for taking the time to view this Very Important Presentation The V.I.P. Payment Program
V.I.P. Payment Program for Animal Care A No Credit Check Interest-Free 90 day payment plan The New Market Demands A New Strategy
…because every pet is a Very Important Pet to someone. Introducing … the V.I.P. Payment Program. A payment plan more of your clients can afford and will qualify for.
Increase your traffic, sales and profits with a payment plan your clients will love you for! This is NOT a loan!
The V.I.P. Payment Program is for those who cant qualify for financing because of a low credit score.
First … a couch full of impossibly cute puppies … OK, now for the good stuff!
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy Why YOU will love the VIP Payment Program.
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
*Total purchase not to exceed $2,000 or 50% of clients combined monthly net household income. The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
Total cost of animal care $1, One time application fee = $25.00 $10.00 convenience fee x 6 bi-weekly payments = $60.00 (this is paid to you) Total cost to client = $1, Total cost to client = $1, Practice Fees $1, x 6.5% (Guarantee fee) = $65.00 $1, x 6.5% (Guarantee fee) = $ $0.30 = $0.30 = 1.80 Total Cost to Practice = $66.80 Total Cost to Practice = $66.80 Less convenience fees paid to you Less convenience fees paid to you YOUR TOTAL NET COST YOUR TOTAL NET COST $6.80 Click When Ready to Advance Slide > The New Market Demands A New Strategy
As you can see in this example, the convenience fees substantially offset your Guarantee fees and Transaction fees. Click When Ready to Advance Slide >
$1, Click When Ready to Advance Slide > $1, As you can see in this example, the convenience fees substantially offset your Guarantee fees and Transaction fees.
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
Weekly 1. How many would-be customer get turned down after applying?4 2. How many times a week do clients leave after hearing the price?5 3. How many give me an estimate calls do you get each week?3 4. How many clients would buy if you offered no credit check financing?3 5. How many clientscould you up-sell if you could offer extra time to pay?2 6. How many more people might come in if they saw a no credit check sign?3 Total Potential Missing patients per Week 20 Average Ticket or Transaction Amount $ 1, Multiplied By Number Of Missing Patients $ 30, Potential per Week addl revenue Potential Annual Revenue $ 1,560,000.00Per WEEK If 85% Could be Sold $ 1,326, $25,500 If 70% Could be Sold $ 1,092, $21,000 If 50% Could be Sold $ 780, $15,000 Substitute your own numbers and youll see the potential! Missing Patient Exercise Click When Ready to Advance Slide > The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
Enrollment in the VIP Payment Program entitles you to Free inclusion in our NSF check re-presentment program. The check re-presentment service allows you to focus on new business while eliminating the resources, worry and cost involved with collecting NSF checks. With this program, when a customer's check bounces, we will re-present it to the bank up to two more times electronically. We have a very high success rate at recovering NSF checks using this method. We do not take a portion of the check - you get 100% face value, and we dont charge you anything at all for this service! With this program, when a customer's check bounces, we will re-present it to the bank up to two more times electronically. We have a very high success rate at recovering NSF checks using this method. We do not take a portion of the check - you get 100% face value, and we dont charge you anything at all for this service! FREE Bonus Service to Our Clients Its 100% FREE to you as a VIP Client Its 100% FREE to you as a VIP Client Click When Ready to Advance Slide > The New Market Demands A New Strategy
Our company is not a Better Business Bureau accredited business. What that means is we have never paid any accreditation fees to the BBB. We are proud of our BBB rating of A+ because we came by it honestly. We earned it through a clean record of NO COMPLAINTS in 20 years of business. This is a rarity in any industry, and virtually unheard of in the financial services industry. Click When Ready to Advance Slide >
The New Market Demands A New Strategy
Consumer Qualifications The consumer may use joint income to qualify. The VIP Payment Program amount must not exceed $ or 50% of the monthly household net income. Before collecting the Application Fee, the Merchant should make the consumer aware that if the consumers credit history is some what in question, they may not qualify. Frequency Recommendations For a consumer purchase of $ and under, we recommend any of the three options, Weekly, Biweekly or Monthly. For a consumer purchase of $ to $ , we recommend the use of the Weekly or Biweekly Program. For a consumer purchase of $ and over we recommend the use of the Biweekly Program. Payments and Fees A nonrefundable $25.00 Application Fee will be collected online via credit card or debit card. Consumers may also pay by cash or check to the Merchant. *Although cash or check are options we strongly encourage you the Merchant/Service Provider to have consumers make payment on the webpage using debit/credit card. The funds will be debited from your account should payment not be made on the Website with a debit/credit card. VIP Payment Program Guidelines Summary Click When Ready to Advance Slide > The New Market Demands A New Strategy
Choosing the Start Date The start date should be a week in which the consumer receives a paycheck. Verifications and Guarantees The Merchant/Service Provider must verify the consumers proof of income, preferably via a payroll check stub. Merchandise should not be released until all documentation has been confirmed accurate. The Merchant/Service Provider must keep all consumers qualifying documentation on file. We will Guarantee all funds that are returned through the ACH Network for R01 or RO9 (insufficient funds). All other returns will void the Guarantee and be placed with the Merchant/Service Provider to collect. The Merchant/Service Provider has 5 days to provide us with documentation collected from the consumer at the time of purchase. If the Merchant/Service Provider cannot produce the documentation, we will not be held liable to collect the debt. Immediate Consumer Disqualification A consumer may have no more than one (1) active VIP Payment Program within the same 90- day period, including with Merchants/Service Providers other than you. GMS VIP Payment Program Standards As a provider of the VIP Payment Program, it is imperative that the Merchant/Service Provider upholds the standard of treating consumers enrolled in the VIP Payment Program like VIPs. If we feel that these standards are not of VIP status, the Merchant/Service Provider may not qualify or may have the VIP Payment Program revoked. VIP Payment Program Guidelines Summary Click When Ready to Advance Slide > The New Market Demands A New Strategy
As a nationwide Third Party Processor since 1992, our company is expert in the Automated Clearing House (ACH) guidelines and rules process. In the VIP Payment Program, we handle all the technical and rule compliance so you dont have to. The VIP Payment Program complies with all ACH rules and proceduresallowing you to establish an ACH program with your consumersautomatically. The VIP Payment Program works through the ACH network, which is an automated credit and debit system governed by the rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA). The ACH network is a processing and delivery system that provides for the distribution and settlement of electronic credits and debits among financial institutions. In response to the rapid growth of check payments, the ACH network was developed in the early 1970s as an efficient, electronic alternative to checks. Through a nationwide telecommunications network, each ACH operator, who IDs the central clearing and settlement facility for ACH transactions, is able to communicate with other ACH operators to exchange entries quickly and efficiently, regardless of geographic distances involved. The ACH network offers an assortment of technical formats that can be used for a variety of payment applications, products and services. Click When Ready to Advance Slide > The New Market Demands A New Strategy
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