The Kingdom of God and His Mission 4 The Kingdom of God and His Mission
Terminology Phrase, ‘Kingdom of God’ not found Focus is on the dynamic reign of God as king Idea of ‘realm’ is secondary Focus on the person rather than the realm carries over into the NT
Kingdom and Mission in the OT
Creator and Ruler of All Declared at the first Shown more by His delegation to man the care of the earth After the fall, the declaration of enmity and warfare between man and Satan’s minions To the cultural mandate is added the evangelistic mandate
Sovereignty over a fallen world The human heart is the battlefield where the spiritual warfare takes place (See God’s words to Cain) Abraham is called to a divided world to be a blessing and to preserve the knowledge of God. The nature of the calling makes clear that God is sovereign in the relationship His descendants are a blessing (Jacob & Laban)
Guiding a nation for all nations The exodus is by the direct intervention of God – sovereign over rulers in the earth He establishes them as a nation Not identical with the K of G but expected to reflect God’s holiness among the nations Lev.19:2, Deut.32:8 God demonstrates His sovereignty over the earth: he removes the Canaanites and gives the land to the Israelites
Serving the King of all Israel’s service is to live in relationship with God, so that the nations will know him. Ps.67 Ultimately, the nations will turn to God, Ps.47 Job informs our understanding of knowing God. It is possible to love God for who he is, not what he does for us
Hope in the coming King Isaiah is called out of worship He sees the coming of messiah changing everything Man redeemed Nature reclaimed History wrapped up The rest of the prophets bring messages that declare God’s sovereign rule of God over the nations
Kingdom and Mission in the NT
Jesus, the Kingdom hope fulfilled Jesus begins his ministry by proclaiming the “good news of the kingdom of God” This is accompanied by miraculous signs, but the priority is on the message of the Kingdom – Luke 4:43 Jesus presents the KofG as present reality – Lk.17:21 and future fulfillment - Mt.16:27-28 Jesus’ parables of the KofG are important to a proper understanding of what he meant
In the steps of the King We are commissioned by Jesus to continue his mission to the nations Acts shows the irresistible power of the Holy Spirit in tearing down the kingdom of darkness Though Paul doesn’t use the term often, it is implied Paul also reflects Jesus teaching that the Kingdom is here not but not yet fulfilled
Reigning with the King forever Revelation pictures the wrapping up of history and the full coming of the Kingdom of God It is a wrap-up that shows the nations coming to Christ But also the final judgment of the rebellious
Conclusion Despite the spiritual warfare that rages in the earth, God is sovereign The Kingdom of God will come fully when he wraps up history.