The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
What was William Tyndale’s greatest contribution to Protestantism? GC 245-247 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
Describe John and Charles Wesley’s spiritual journey. GC 253-255 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
What two special manifestations of Satan’s power were unleashed on the French nation during the French Revolution? GC 269-271 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
Why did the Pilgrims decide to leave England and flee to Holland? GC 290 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
Who was God especially preparing in America to lead out in proclaiming Jesus’ return? GC 317 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
What significance lies in John’s vision picturing an angel as heralding the warnings of the three messages of Revelation 14? GC 355 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
Revelation 18 pictures an angel calling God’s people to come out of spiritual Babylon. What is the difference between those who remain in Babylon and those who come out? GC 383-385, 388 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
What was the central pillar of the advent faith in 1844? GC 409, 423 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
How did the new understanding of the sanctuary service provide the “key” that “unlocked” the disappointment of 1844 and the task of end-time Christians? GC 423 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
and the great controversy? What connection do you see between the messages of the three angels, the sanctuary truths, the mark of the beast, and the great controversy? GC 437-439 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
What are the three tests of genuine repentance and conversion? GC 461, 462 12/1/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy