AP/AR/GL Feed Setup Process Oracle Business Analyst monitors for 2 successful feed tests. Setups and configs should be confirmed done in PROD. Then, the Ticket is resolved and the end user contacts and FAR/SP approver will be notified by the BA via the service now email process. This resolution email should include the updated request form. The new feeder data collected will be added to the Maintain Oracle Financials Connections Feeder Utility by the BA. ATS - Finance and Procurement and Oracle BA sets up feed in appropriate environments and works w/ the Tech end user on testing. These setups and configurations include GL Source creation, AR Transaction type creation, or AP Invoice Import user setups, and IP addresses (test & prod) and directory folders. These setups and configs should be noted for test and prod in the ticket, and Feed names should be added into the request form and re-attached to the SNOW ticket. Ticket sent back to ATS - Oracle Financials. ATS - Oracle Financials receives Service Now ticket from Central unit (FAR or SP) and verifies necessary information has been gathered and approved. The user contact persons will be added as a ticket watcher and we will ensure the ticket is defined as a ‘Feeder Request’. Ticket is reassigned to ATS - Finance and Procurement. FAR/Strategic Procurement/Accounts Payable verifies all necessary information collected and approves setup of new feed. Submits Service Now ticket to Service: Financial Systems > Financial Accounting to Reporting > Feeder Request Category: Request Assignment Group: ATS - Oracle Financials with the attached form and their stated approval to begin setup. This can also be done via an email to ithelp@harvard.edu or using https://harvard.service-now.com/ithelp?id=submit_ticket. Within this ticket, the Business and Tech contact persons needs to be defined. End user fills out form with necessary information needed to set up feed and emails it to FAR or Strategic Procurement/Accounts Payable.