Andrew Hoke Michael Nissenson Maze Builder Andrew Hoke Michael Nissenson
Goal / Purpose To create an editor that can build simple mazes that can then be played through. Two modes the user has access to: Edit Mode allows user to build maze. Run Mode allows user to play the maze that was just built. The maze cannot be edited during run mode. Edit UI is also hidden. In run mode, goal is to find exit.
Edit Mode Mockup Able to place down shapes and modify them to make walls of the maze. Able to join walls by placing a wall down on pivot points. Can then modify and drag walls together. Entire canvas can be used to create the maze. Instructions on the side that changes based on mode selected.
Run Mode Mockup Hides edit UI when in run mode. Arrow used to navigate the maze. Camera in top right shows whole maze. Main view zoomed in on player’s avatar Walls have collision. Start at entrance, goal is to find the exit. Instructions next to canvas change during play mode.
Technical Requirements Scene node hierarchy requirement met by matching walls on pivots. Creates the square as part of a scene node rather than an individual object. Can then edit them together as one unit. Objects can be edited using knobs (in canvas) or slider bars (in HTML). Two views. Main view with maze builder and viewport in top right corner. Direct manipulation comes during run mode where users control the player running through the maze.