ONE CLASS AT A TIME OVERCOMING OBSTACLES TO INTEGRATING RESEARCH INTO THE UNDERGRADUATE GEOSCIENCE CURRICULUM Robert C. Thomas, Sheila M. Roberts and R. Stephen Mock Department of Environmental Sciences University of Montana-Western Dillon, Montana
LECTURE-BASED CURRICULA Students study multiple subjects at the same time Students primarily learn through memorization of lectures and prepared labs There is inadequate time for data gathering and analysis
RESEARCH-BASED CURRICULA Students focus on one subject at a time Students primarily learn through a combination of theory and practice There is adequate time for data gathering and analysis
DON’T FIELD TRIPS DO THE JOB? An improvement over in-class lecture, but is it enough? Rarely involves in-depth problem-solving activities Students don’t have time to experience the full process of scientific investigation
PROBLEMS WITH ADOPTING THE RESEARCH-BASED CURRICULUM Scheduling! The k-12 and university systems are set up for classroom lectures The infrastructure is set up for classroom lectures Faculty and administrators are comfortable with the status quo
A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM Experience One Students take one class at a time Each class is 18 days long, 3 hrs/day, 5 days/week Four 4-credit classes per semester for 16 credits
DOES IT WORK? Experience One at UM-W Improved class attendance Improved student retention Improved performance Improved self concept
HOW ABOUT AN EXAMPLE? Introduction to Geology Minimal lecture Labs based on research Abundant field time Primary research project designed to apply the in-class material to solving a real problem
PUSHING THE LIMITS? Environmental Field Studies Course developed around a field-based project Student design the project, conduct the research and present the results Try to incorporate a service learning component
CONCLUSIONS UM-Western One class at a time allows a research-based curriculum to work This is not the only solution Change is possible in any environment