The Lithosphere in the Western US from PdS and SdP Receiver Functions Alan Levander, Rice University CIDER Lecturer 2006 and 2008 Meghan S. Miller, Rice University (now at University of Southern California) CIDER 2008 post-doc participant Cin-Ty Lee, Rice University CIDER Lecturer 2008 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
Yan Xu, St. Louis University Meijuan Jiang, University of Illinois SdP receiver function study and petrologic interpretation started at CIDER 2008 as part of Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Group: Yan Xu, St. Louis University CIDER 2008 student participant Meijuan Jiang, University of Illinois Martin Collier, LDEO 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
Proposal: Workshop on Cratons and NA Craton Proposal: CIDER summer workshop on the Lithosphere and the upper mantle under the major orogenic belts, focusing on the western US Proposal: Workshop on Cratons and NA Craton Proposal: Workshop on Passive margins and the US passive margins 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
80-40 Ma Flat Slab 80-50 Ma Laramide Uplifts CP Rotation Ignimbrite flareup 50-20 Ma ~32 Ma Basin & Range Rio Grande Rift 25-5 Ma CP Uplift 40 m/Myr 5-0 Ma 220 m/Myr from 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
PdS Receiver Function Image Volume 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
Slab gap south of Mendocino Cascadrd backarc Wallowa PdS Moho Amplitudes Sites of recent shallow mantle activity and delamination show weak Moho signals: Southern Sierras Wallowa Mtns North Central B&R Slab gap south of Mendocino Cascadrd backarc Wallowa MTJ SSN 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
CIDER Project 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
Correlation of melting depths calculated from NAVDAT data with LAB signals: CIDER LAB Project 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
CIDER Poster AGU 2008 Miller, M. S., A. Levander, Y. Xu, M. Jiang, M. Collier, C.A. Lee, 2008, SdP receiver function images of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Western U.S using USArray data, EOS, Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U43B-0061. 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
Discontinuity structure (LAB, 410, 660) from RF analysis View from SE: Discontinuity structure (LAB, 410, 660) from RF analysis SW NE LAB 410 660 Cao & Levander, JGR, submitted P-wave Tomography model: Sigloch et al., 2008, Nature Geoscience 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
Discontinuity structure (LAB, 410, 660) from RF analysis View from SE: Discontinuity structure (LAB, 410, 660) from RF analysis P-wave Tomography model: Sigloch et al., 2008, Nature Geoscience 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop
Proposed CIDER II Activities Careful comparison of various seismic models as disciplinary effort CIG and CIDER can promote seismology workshops Multi-discplinary approach to understanding the WUS and other orogenic belts as a whole CIDER summer program on orogenic belts and the WUS CIDER summer program on cratons and NA Craton CIDER summer program on passive margins and the US passive margins 12/1/2018 CIDER 2009 Workshop