Recovery of the precision grip in children after traumatic brain injury Mukaddes Gölge, PhD, Marina Müller, MD, Mona Dreesmann, MD, Birgit Hoppe, MD, Roland Wenzelburger, MD, PhD, Johann P. Kuhtz- Buschbeck, MD, PhD Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 85, Issue 9, Pages 1435-1444 (September 2004) DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.029
Fig 1 Description of (A) the grip instrument with arrows indicating the directions of the grip forces (GF) and of the vertical load force (LF) and (B) force curves of a normal adolescent with discrete force events (F1–F4) indicated in the force and position (Pos) curves. The grip forces were measured separately for the thumb and index finger. Force events comprise the grip-force peaks (F1, F2), the peak load force (F3), and the negative load force (F4). The grip-force/load-force ratio (F1/load force, F2/load force) was measured at the grip-force peak. The load force was measured as the sum of both fingers. Onset of grip force of the thumb is indicated by 0 and of the index finger by 1. The load force exceeds zero at 2. The object starts to move at 3. The temporal parameters (↔) were the intervals between 0 and 1 (latency between index finger and thumb: preparation phase), 1 and 2 (preload duration), and 2 and 3 (load duration) in seconds. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2004 85, 1435-1444DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.029)
Fig 2 Precision-grip data of TBI patients (grey bars) and control subjects (C; white bars) with boxplots indicating medians, centiles (25%, 75%), and ranges. (A) The interval between the grip-force onsets of the index finger and thumb (0–1; see fig 1). (B) Preload duration (1–2). (C) Load duration (2–3). Asterisks indicate significant differences between the examinations (t0, t1, t2) in 13 patients with TBI (Wilcoxon test, P>0.1, not significant [NS]; P range ∗.05–.01; ∗∗.01–.001). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2004 85, 1435-1444DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.029)
Fig 3 Precision-grip data of TBI patients (grey bars) and control subjects (white bars) with boxplots indicating medians, centiles (25%, 75%), and ranges. Asterisks indicate significant changes between examinations (t0, t1, t2) in patients with TBI (Wilcoxon test, P>0.1, NS; P range, +0.1–.05; ∗.05–.01; ∗∗.01–.001). (A) Peak grip force of the thumb (F1; see fig 1). (B) Peak load force (F3). (C) Maximum negative load force (F4). (D) Grip-force (thumb)/load-force ratio at grip-force peak (F1/load force). (E) Mean grip force of static holding, that is, during an interval 2 to 4 seconds after lifting. (F) SD of grip force during static holding. Higher values indicate more fluctuations of the grip force in the static phase. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2004 85, 1435-1444DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.029)
Fig 4 Barthel Index scores of patients with TBI. The boxplots indicate medians, centiles (25%, 75%), and ranges. (A) Sum of Barthel Index parts A and B. (B) Barthel Index, part A. (C) Barthel Index, part B. Asterisks indicate significant differences between the observation times (start of rehabilitation, t0, t1, t2) in patients with TBI (Wilcoxon test, P range, +0.1–.05; ∗.05–.01; ∗∗.01–.001). NOTE. M indicates median values that are 100 in A and C or 0 in B. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2004 85, 1435-1444DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.029)
Fig 5 Correlation of grip-force parameters with different measures that described trauma severity (ISS, GCS score, coma duration, Barthel Index score at admission). (A) Change (Δp) of the mean grip force in the static phase with the initial Barthel Index part B with the Δp indicating improvements between t0 and t2. (B) Δp of mean grip force in the static phase with the ISS. (C) Absolute values of mean grip force in the static phase at t0 with GCS score. (D) Δp of mean grip force in the static phase with GCS score. (E) Δp of time interval between the index finger and thumb with the coma duration. Subjects are denoted with dots. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2004 85, 1435-1444DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.029)