Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Commission report on the progress in establishing Marine Protected Areas European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit WG GES Brussels, 22-23 April 2015
Art. 21 MSFD Progress report on protected areas On the basis of the information provided by the Member States by 2013, the Commission shall report by 2014 on progress in the establishment of marine protected areas, having regard to existing obligations under applicable Community law and International commitments of the Community and the Member States. The report shall be submitted to the European Parliament and to the Council.
DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 09.10.14 Art. 21 COM Report Input from : EEA briefing "Marine Protected Areas in Europe's Seas". Deltares report "Proposal for an assessment method of the ecological coherence of networks of marine protected areas in Europe". Adoption planned for 2nd quarter of 2015
Structure of the report Terminology MPAs vs spatial protection measures Links to relevant policies EU level: Nature Directives, CFP, WFD, MSP Directive International level: RSC, CBD, UNCLOS Assessment of progress made in designating MPAs Coherence and representativeness Conclusions and outlook
Progress made in designating MPAs EEA: in 2012, the European MPA network consisted of 7 725 sites and covered 338 600 km2 MPAs covered 5.9% of EU marine areas Marine Natura 2000 network represented 2/3 of the EU MPA network Large differences in coverage between regional seas Large differences in coverage of coastal vs offshore waters Member States have designated more sites since 2012 – these will be included in a 2016 update (and every 3 years)
MPA coverage in European Seas, 2012
MPA coverage in 2012 – coastal and offshore waters
Coherence and representativeness of the European MPA network Two sources: EEA based on RSC network assessments Deltares study as a first attempt to develop EU-wide methodology Same conclusion: neither coherent, nor representative
Conclusions and outlook Significant progress made in designating MPAs, but work must continue Further work needed to develop an EU-wide MPA network assessment method Data gaps need to be filled in Need for effective management and enforcement